More Life

Model Minority Myth: The real risks of stereotyping

Hartford HealthCare PodCast

Hartford HealthCare’s Steve Coates talks with Mui Mui  Hin-McCormick, Clinical director of Adult Residential Services with Rushford, part of the Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network.

The topic: The Model Minority Myth - which is an assumption made, most commonly with Asian-Americans, that they are smart, successful, good with subjects like math and science, polite and law-abiding.

While that might sound flattering, this stereotype not only ignores the diversity in the Asian-American culture, but it positions the community as not needing resources and programs to help them.

The goal: To equip people to ask for help when they need it, whether it’s teachers in school or colleagues in the workplace. It’s an important and ongoing journey to awareness.

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