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Cannabis Connection: The risks and rewards of legalization

Hartford HealthCare PodCast

Our guest is Dr. Godfrey Pearlson, director of Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, which is part of the Hartford HealthCare Institute of Living.

Dr. Pearlson is also the author of “Weed Science: Cannabis Controversies and Challenges” which takes a deep dive into what we really know about marijuana. 
They discuss the recent legalization of recreational cannabis in the state of Connecticut. What do we stand to gain, in the form of recreation and revenue – or – what do we stand to lose, in respect to potential recreational risk?

The Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center (NRC) is a clinical neuroscience research facility that was established in 2001. The Olin NRC’s mission is to conduct neuroscience research of psychiatric illnesses and rapidly translate that research into new and effective treatments.

Read this article featuring Dr. Pearlson
It’s ‘Weed Science’: Here’s a Blueprint for Safe Marijuana Use