Calvary Church Podcast

How to Experience a Spiritual Breakthrough

January 28, 2020 Dr. Willy Rice

The power of breakthrough, suddenly what wasn’t unclear becomes clear, suddenly a problem is solved, a new discovery is made, a corner is turned. If the discovery is significant enough, a new chapter, even a new life can begin. What about spiritual breakthroughs?

Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to bring about change. He believed that if the walls could be rebuilt, the culture could be repaired and the disgrace of the defeated Israelites could be removed. Under his leadership the people were organized, the walls rebuilt and the city resettled. Some 13 years before Ezra the priest had been among those who returned to Israel. They had begun rebuilding the temple and the city then, but opposition had stymied their progress and left the people in a state of defeat and discouragement. But God was not through with them.

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