Calvary Church Podcast

By Whose Authority?

Dr. Willy Rice

The question of authority is a valid one. Who has the authority to make a decision? Who has the authority to act on behalf of an organization? Who has the authority to write a check? But the greatest question concerning authority has to do with spiritual things. When it comes to a relationship with God, who has the authority? Do you know you are forgiven? Do you know God is your Father? Do you know you will go to heaven one day? By whose authority?
The conflict over spiritual authority reached a climax during the last week of Jesus’ life. One Sunday He had ridden into Jerusalem in a way that deliberately showed Messianic authority. Thousands had greeted Him with cheers and praises and were glad to welcome His as their Messiah. On Monday He had entered the temple, the place He once called His Father’s House, and overturned tables confronting the religious establishment and exposing their corrupt practices. By Tuesday He is back in the temple. The tables were probably reset, and business was back as normal, albeit with a few extra security guards, but none of this deterred Jesus who returned to the temple to once again confront the temple authorities and challenge the very system that had empowered them and corrupted the worship of God Himself.

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