Reformers Collective

Why Biblical Reformation is Loaded with Legacy & Long-term Impact (Cindy Jacobs)

Becky Hennesy Season 1 Episode 12

Global influencer, speaker, author and prophetess Cindy Jacobs makes a return visit to host Becky Hennesy's podcast to talk all things reformation and how the Bible instructs us to view this critical component of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Cindy shares several ways that Holy Spirit has prompted her to take a deeper, second look at some very familiar Scripture as it relates to the call for all Christians to be genuine reformers within their own sphere of influence.

Becky and Cindy have been close friends for more than 20 years and their conversations routinely bring encouragement, accountability, and passion to each other's lives...and to anyone else who listens!

Click here to buy Cindy's latest book Reformers Arise on Amazon.

As mentioned, this is Cindy's second time as a guest. Check out the October 20,2020 episode (#3 from the Being Becky podcast) where they discuss the value of authentic relationships.

The Reformers Collective podcast is part of the expanding Charisma Podcast Network (CPN).  Click here to visit the CPN main page. While at CPN, look for additional Reformers Collective resources such as Becky's blog articles on the topic of reformation.

Let's keep bringing godly solutions to earthly problems!