Geoversiv - Earth Intelligence

Project Drawdown - Episode 016

Don Shelby Season 1 Episode 16

Dr. Jonathan Foley is our guest.  He is the Executive Director of Project Drawndown.
There are off-the-shelf solutions to the climate crisis.  Nothing new has to be discovered or technology invented.  The solution will rely on knowledge, will and policy.  There are coming changes in the financial sector that recognize and will react to the pressures of risk management in investing further dollars and time into those operations that could destroy us.  At the same time, more capital is flowing into solutions, but not fast enough. Dr. Foley quotes the late Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, founder of Earth Day, saying, "The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nature."  New agricultural practices, new investments, money flowing to solutions .  A wide-ranging discussion on how to keep the planet from warming, using common sense and available methods.