Geoversiv - Earth Intelligence

Dr. Michael Mann Part Two - Episode 019

Don Shelby Season 1 Episode 19

We continue with our conversation with Dr. Michael Mann.   In this episode, we concentrate on the value of carbon pricing and the various mechanisms for implementing a price.  We also delve into the probabilities of uniting divided political forces to bring that change.  Dr. Mann is optimistic.  He sees vast changes in conservatives' thinking, some of whom have embraced the science of climate change and see the need for policy action.  Much of the business world is already there, he says.
One of the enemies of progress on this issue is "Doomism," as he calls it.  It is the petrifying notion that there is nothing we can do to avert the worst effects of climate change.  It is especially disturbing that this is not only a message from the right, but many progressives have also adopted the thesis that we are doomed. - which inevitably leads to inaction.  Dr. Mann says there is much evidence for hope and optimism.