Geoversiv - Earth Intelligence

Natural Capital - Dr. Stephen Polasky -020

Don Shelby Season 1 Episode 20

Governor Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin said, on the very first Earth Day, that "The US economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of nature."  Yet, Corporations have never placed a value on nature, it will not be found in account books or K1s.  Dr. Stephen Polasky, and economist and conservationist, is one of the world's foremost authorities on placing a value on "ecosystem services" - from providing carbon dioxide drawdown to purifying water and creating oxygen for the planet and its inhabitants.  Polasky is optimistic that businesses. financial institutions and underwriters are beginning to see Nature and ecosystem services as data that belong in the account books.  Then, as a value, it is likely to be sustained - not simply for the beauty and regard for Nature, but for the services it provides all of us on Earth.