Geoversiv - Earth Intelligence

Todd Churchill - Beef Nature's Way - 024

April 23, 2021 Don Shelby Season 1 Episode 24

Todd Churchill is a rancher who uses regenerative agricultural practices, and partners with Nature to raise protein in an ever food insecure planet.  Grass-fed beef, using natural grasses and no corn or soybeans, are all pesticide-free, hormone free, medicine free and fertilizer free.
The only inputs Todd uses is what Nature provides.  He likens the practice to the massive herds of American bison that sustained indigenous people for centuries, while building soil carbon and encouraging the growth or new plant life.  He answers the hard questions on whether beef contribute methane to the greenhouse gas load of the planet.  His answer will surprise you.  The only obstacle facing this sustainable practice is scalability.  Todd believes as more farmers understand regenerative practices, the markets will grow and more farmers and ranchers will see the environment not as a problem, but a partner.  One of his goals: every drop of rainwater that falls on his ranch will stay on his ranch, thus keeping topsoil, soil carbon and pollutants out of streams and rivers.