Geoversiv - Earth Intelligence

Susan Joy Hassol - The Common Language of Climate Change - 028

Don Shelby Season 1 Episode 28

Susan Joy Hassol is one of the foremost climate communications specialist in the world.  She has been the writer behind three of the National Climate Assessments, using language that non-scientists can comprehend.    In this episode, the award winning mind behind the award winning HBO documentary "Too Hot Not to Handle," tracts in Scientific American, the Washington Post , ABC's 2020 and much more, will share with you real talk about how to make sense of climate science, and even, how to talk to your Uncle Frank who believes the science of climate change is a hoax.  She is fluent in science, having been honored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a board member of the American Geophysical Union, she knows success lies in how science tells its story in plain talk.  After butting her head against closed door minds, she has learned how to enter the side and back doors.  She shares some tips and techniques on having "The Conversation."  Scientists trust her with their findings.  You will trust her, too.
You can learn more about Susan Joy at