Geoversiv - Earth Intelligence

Professor Nancy Maclean - Episode #29 The Koch Effect

Don Shelby Season 1 Episode 29

 Nancy Maclean is the decorated Duke University professor of history and award-winning author of Democracy in Chains: the Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America.  In this episode Professor Maclean traces the threads that connect the powerful influence of Charles and David Koch and their rise to power.  The story connects the Koch dynasty and its affiliated "think tanks," as well as its mouth-pieces in Congress, to a steady, but frightening effort to destroy our notion of democracy and majority rule.  The telling is ladened with deep research on what Koch enterprises are doing to the country with the ultimate goal of rewriting the US Constitution with the likely outcome, if successful, of creating an oligarchy of the rich.
You will learn why the name Koch is first on the list of science deniers and purveyors of untruths in the fight against climate change.  If the Koch stealth plan succeeds, the voice of the people will be silenced and government will serve only the interests of the rich, according to Professor Maclean's acclaimed findings.