1 Pastor's Point of View

The Incarnation of the Son of God is only part of the Salvation Process Which Began Before the Foundation of The Earth

December 28, 2023 Pastor Tino DiSiena
1 Pastor's Point of View
The Incarnation of the Son of God is only part of the Salvation Process Which Began Before the Foundation of The Earth
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Greetings, if you would like to support Free Gospel Church and our ministries, you can make a donation at FreeGospelAssembly.com.  Thank you for listening. If this message has blessed you please share it, that others may hear! God bless you.

Philippians 2:6-11, including the context of verses 11-5 & 12-17, Revelation 13:8

The whole process includes the Election of the plan before the foundation of the
earth (Revelation 13:8); The incarnation of the Son in Jesus or Christ(Christmas) His
miraculous life and crucifixion; His Resurrection and Ascension and awaiting the full
effects of His victory and Enthronement. These are all summarized in poetic Hymnic
style in Philippians 2:6-11 along with practical applications in 2:1-5 & 12-17. This hymn
actually summarized Paul’s major parts of the Gospel & its doctrine. It was also
probably part of the Baptism service sung or recited by the catechumens.
1) The Hymn summarizes the N.T understanding of salvation through the Son of
a) It was decided in the Divine Pre-existence by the Triune God, implied in
Philippians 2:6 & Revelation 13:8.
b) Two-Points found in verses 6 & 7
i) Jesus the Incarnate Son of God did not have to steal divinity
ii) Jesus did not use his Divinity to His advantage
c) “Human likeness” & “in appearance as a man” does not equal just looking
human rather He was the identical copy of humanity to its essence;
God-like & immortal while being human; verses 7-8
d) He voluntarily humbled Himself and became a servant to His Father &
humanity, through the Cross (John 3:16) verse 8
e) The Prelude to deserved resurrection and exaltation: Jesus Christ the Son
of God Lord or King of the Creation. Earned Kingship (verses 9-11).
i) Result verses 10&11 - “glory” to God the Father

2) The behaviors of Jesus, our Savior and Lord are a teaching model for His
disciples. Philippians 2:1-5 & 12-17. See especially 1 Peter 5:6-9
a) Note the same pattern of humility to exaltation applied to us through-out
this life until heaven; 1 Corinthians 13:12;

b) 1 Peter 5:6-9 tells us to have the same mind and purposes as Christ as to
our obedience to the Father, more specifically listed in Philippians 2:1-5;
12-15. These are some examples of attitudes and behaviors toward each
other that display our humility and obedience to Christ
i) Express tenderness & compassion towards each other; 2:1-2
ii) Don’t do anything out of selfish ambition and vain conceit
iii) Not only looking after your own interests: 2:4
iv) Take seriously your salvation
v) Keep working at it with the Spirit’s help. 2:12-13
vi) Stop your “grumbling & arguing” (Relational conflict) for this is the
way of the world 2:14
vii) Be willing to sacrifice for God’s purposes; 2:17
viii) And boast primarily in what the Lord has done and is doing for us;

And all this began with the child in Bethlehem, the Incarnation of the Son of God!

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him!