Beyond Technique with Samantha Rund

Episode 21: Impulse and Emotion with Kevin Otos

Samantha Rund Episode 21

Director,  Actor, and Professor Kevin Otos joins Samantha Rund this episode to discuss his experience on stage and screen across the country, and ways to stay creative  within any given circumstance. 

We also discuss

  • Audition Advice for Prospective Students
  • Elon University 
  • Meisner and Commedia dell'Arte
  • Listening, Acceptance, and Empathy
  • Applied Meisner for the 21st Century Actor  (his upcoming book  with Kim Shively ) 

Kevin Otos was born and raised in Southern California where he learned to love the beaches and the mountains as well as acting. He developed his passion for theatre in Oregon and eventually graduated with his MFA in Acting from Florida State University's Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training where he studied with an outstanding faculty, including the legendary director of Eugene O"Neill's plays, José Quintero. Some favorite roles include Antony in Julius Caesar and Antonio in The Merchant of Venice. Kevin has also appeared on screen in the  series One Tree Hill, Necessary Roughness, and Underground as well as in a number of independent films, commercials, and industrials. Also a director, Kevin has directed a wide range of plays including Much Ado About Nothing for the Texas Shakespeare Festival where he met your host Samantha Rund. Expert in Commedia dell’Arte and Meisner Technique, Kevin teaches Acting at Elon University in North Carolina. His upcoming book, Applied Meisner for the 21st Century Actor co-authored with Kim Shively is scheduled for release in May by Routledge press.
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You can learn more about Kevin at

Samantha Rund is a  professional actor, comedian, and coach. A graduate of Northwestern University, the University of Washington’s Professional Actor Training Program MFA, and Second City’s Improv and Directing Conservatory; she is passionate about enriching people’s lives through the performing arts. Some of her recent acting work includes 3 Busy Debras on Adult Swim, Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and various commercials including Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.
Her company, Beyond Technique Coaching, focuses on using performance principles to empower people to bring more of their whole selves to their lives and work. She works with a wide range of people around the world on performance and personal development.

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