Kimberley She'ro

Dr Stephanie Trust - Part 3

August 31, 2020 Natasha Short Season 1 Episode 2

Dr Stephanie Trust is a descendant of the Gija and Walmajarri people of the Kimberley region, Western Australia.

From humble beginnings, Dr Steph is a prominent and widely respected woman of our region. She attributes and recognises that her parents attitude of ‘faith, hope and love’ were foundational in creating her aspirations to achieve and influence positive change.

Dr Steph is the Principal GP of the Wunan Health and Wellbeing Centre based in Kununurra, East Kimberley. In 2020, Dr Steph has been  leading a team of health professionals deal with COVID-19, while overseeing the construction of a state of the art medical facility for wholistic patient care. Steph also lost her Mum during COVID but shares with listeners about how  her parents still influence her today and what she hopes to achieve in the future.

Make contact if you would like to know more information, including inviting Dr Steph to speak at one of your seminars.