The Virgin Diabetic Podcast

#5 I Felt Like I Failure Because I Let Diabetes Happen to Me

Denise A. Pancyrz Season 1 Episode 5

 "The human body is amazing. It wants to heal. We just have to be willing to give it the opportunity to do that".

My dad passed away because of Diabetes. I always assumed that him being overweight was the main factor why he developed the disease. Since I didn't have a weight problem, I was confident that Diabetes was not going to be an issue for me. How little did I know.
Constantly feeling fatigued took me to see my doctor. A good diet and exercise was always the advice but I didn't pay much attention to it. After some time, SURPRISE! I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It felt like my world had collapsed. I hit rock bottom.

The lesson I took: learn to listen to your body. It's wise and it's continuously telling you when things are going good and when they aren't.  

After a deep internal process of understanding my mind and body, I was ready to fight the fight. I didn't let Diabetes rule my life, I didn't let doctors wear me down by telling me I was sentenced to take insulin shots the rest of my days, I searched for answers and opinions, I educated myself and I finally learned how to reverse the effects of Diabetes through a series of common practices that we may regularly take for granted. 

What are you doing to reverse the effects of Diabetes?