The Virgin Diabetic Podcast

#16 Hypnotherapy and Weight Loss with Megan Moriarty

Denise A. Pancyrz Season 1 Episode 16

 Megan Moriarty is a weight loss Hypnotherapist who helps clients to break through weight loss blocks and finally lose weight for good. Megan believes that your weight loss journey can be fun and easy, and is passionate about instilling this belief deep into her client's minds. Her main offering is her Think Yourself Thin 30-Day group program where she leads clients through a major mind, body, soul transformation. 

"A lot of people think hypnotherapy is this crazy, insane thing from the movies, TV shows and those shows in Vegas, but it is not. It is the opposite of that. It works with your subconscious mind, which rules 95% of your life (...) This is where behaviors and beliefs are stored. Oftentimes we pick-up these behaviors from childhood and we're not aware of them and they turn into habits and beliefs that are holding us back when we're adults".

"Hypnotherapy helps you to become more mentally stronger. It's not about making you into a new person, it's uncovering those habits and beliefs that were covering up the real you, the healthy you". 

"In private Hypnotherapy sessions Megan works with your subconscious mind so that you manifest your goals and deepest desires with ease. " 
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