Women in Venture Capital

A Conversation with Mar Hershenson | Co-Founder and Partner @ Pear VC | Revel Touch | Foundation Capital | Magma Design Automation | PhD, Electrical Engineering @ Stanford University

Rashveena and Anvita (Harvard Business School)

In this episode, we talk to Mar about her journey from co-founding three startups in the mobile/e-commerce, enterprise software and semiconductor industries to co-founding and managing Pear VC. Mar talks to us about Pear's "0 to 1" thesis focused on attractive yet realistic hypotheses and founding teams with demonstrated capacity to execute. Lastly, Mar talks to us about her frustration that venture funding in the hands of women is still sub 5% but hopes for the growth rate to accelerate in the coming years. Her advice to women trying to break in: work on your persona as an investor and be confident.