Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Hebrews 11

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 112 Episode 23

Hebrews 11 is one of the magnificent passages in the Bible
It is right up there with Psalm 23, The Lord’s Prayer, and 1 Corinthians 13
- we won’t just step into Hebrews 11 – we need a running start
• last week’s passage culminated in two statements
◦ a line from the OT: my righteous one shall live by faith
◦ a line from writer: we are those who have faith
• it’s a fair question to ask, What does faith do for us?
◦ how does it make my life different from anyone else who is without faith?
◦ What is faith and what does it look like?
- Hebrews 11 gives us answers to these questions
• first, faith is defined – not with a dictionary type of definition
◦ but by explaining what faith does for us and how it challenges us
◦ then it shows us faith in living examples