Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Hebrews 13:1-8

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 112 Episode 34

Listen — Give — Forgive  —  Remember — Consider — Imitate
I lost a few years of my life in conferences, seminars, and, forums

What I took away from each one was–a notebook
– and those notebooks mostly sat on shelves collecting dust
• after taking in all the information in first twelve chapters of Hebrews,
◦ we need clarity on how to turn these ideas into actions
• in chapter 13 the writer revisits themes in his book,
◦ and supplying simple instructions for incorporating them into our lives
Luke T. Johnson, “Virtually everything said here echoes earlier passages in which the author praises what his hearers are doing or exhorts them to do. Indeed, the several references to memory in this section suggest that the hearers are already well aware of their obligations.”