Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

John 14 - Tired of sleeping walking through life?

August 19, 2018 Chuck Smith, Jr Season 110 Episode 3
Jesus had announced to his disciples that he was going away He would soon leave them and the world of humans – and return to his Father – the dimension of God’s reality (cf. Jn. 8:21-23) • the disciples have completed their journey with him • but he is not abandoning them – they won’t be orphans ◦ their discipleship will continue ◦ from now on, it would be directed by the Spirit – so Jesus is preparing them for his departure • however, he could only tell them what they were able to comprehend ◦ that means, he could not provide many specific details • as a result, they were confused and had lots of questions ◦ their conversation that impossible night goes on for three more chapters ◦ and includes the longest recorded prayer of Jesus