Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Colossians 3:12

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 2022 Episode 11

The first detail to notice, is where we find meekness on list

Meekness is hiding behind humility
- we wonder, was it even necessary to include meekness in addition to humility?
• if we were to be honest, we don’t take meekness seriously
◦ it is a virtue no one wants – like patience or submission
• we read that Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek”
◦ but it doesn’t leave a strong impression on us
◦ it is not as compelling as poor in spirit or mourn
- meek doesn’t draw attention to itself – doesn’t make headlines
• no one asks meek for the next dance 
• we want to be the opposite of meek
◦ we're convinced that “You don’t get anywhere if you let people walk all over you”