Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Numbers 11 -Moses' "Staff Meeting"

February 12, 2023 Chuck Smith, Jr Season 2023 Episode 7

This is an odd story.
 Not only for the strange miracle that God sets up,
- but also because it seems unnecessary in the context of the larger narrative
• the people of Israel were disappointed and discouraged
◦ their situation was primed for discontent and insurrection
• four rebellions had been staged and subdued:
◦ Moses’ sister and brother (ch. 12)
◦ the whole nation turned from God at the border of Canaan (ch. 14)
◦ a clan of rebels that refused to follow Moses any further (16:1-3, 12-34)
◦ a crew of Levites, who claimed rights to the priesthood (16:4-11, 35)
- in each instance, God intervened and punished the rebels
• so God's choice for priesthood and service in the sanctuary would seem obvious 
• however, considering Israel’s state of mind, and history of complaint and stubbornness,
◦ extra evidence for God’s choice may have been required