Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Meditations In Mark Chapter 1

February 26, 2023 Chuck Smith, Jr Season 2023 Episode 12

Last week a friend asked me “What Bible book to read to get to know Jesus–the person?”
– my immediate answer was Mark’s gospel
• that’s the book where I meet Jesus – and feel that I’m drawn close to him
◦ this is my experience, even though Mark is most condensed of the four Gospels
• in fact, he tends to downplay some of the exciting episodes
◦ for instance, Jesus’ temptation (Mk. 1:12-13) – blink and you’ll miss it
– for forty plus years I have read and re-read this book,
• spending time in meditation on every chapter
◦ that is what I want to share with you
◦ not a Bible study, but a seeing and savoring the stories of Jesus
• perhaps if you see Jesus through my eyes,
◦ you’ll come to see him better through your own
◦ and then seeing him for yourself, you can move beyond what I hope to share with you