Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Ezekiel 37:1-14

Chuck Smith, Jr Season 9 Episode 8

e Arlington National Cemetery began as a solution to a problem
- after the Civil War, cemeteries ran out of space for all the remains of dead soldiers
• Arlington was offered for those who could not afford a proper burial anywhere else
• it also provided space for the remains of more than 2000 unidentified soldiers
- a friend who flew helicopters in Vietnam was nearly shot down when evacuating soldiers from a "hot spot"
• he told me, that when it seemed he was going to die, his last thoughts were of relationships
• that’s why there’s a Memorial Day,
◦ so that we don’t forget those whose last thoughts were of us
Ezekiel’s vision took him to a cemetery of sorts
- only without any graves – just a desert valley strewn with bones