Reflexion, A Spiritual Community

Colossians 2:1-3

January 30, 2022 Chuck Smith, Jr Season 2022 Episode 5

 Occasionally Paul will share these rare gems
Brief statements, packed with profound concepts
- for instance, he has introduced the Colossians to a mystery (cf. Col. 1:25-29)
• everything about our transcendent God is mystery and hidden
◦ some things have been revealed
. . . the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints (Col. 1:26)
◦ the ultimate revelation of God is Jesus Christ – and that revelation keeps unfolding more truth
• the Colossians could reach the “riches” of God’s self-revelation
◦ they just needed encouragement to become fully familiar with him
- this was not an individual quest or project
• it was the journey of the entire community
• so one of the conditions was that their hearts were knitted together in love