Photography Explained Podcast

25 Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts That I Use All The Time To Save Me Time

Rick McEvoy Episode 130

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25 Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts That I Use All The Time To Save Me Time. Hi and welcome to Episode 130 of the Photography Explained podcast.

Here is the answery bit
Here are 25 Lightroom keyboard shortcuts that I use. I have listed these during an editing session – they are not produced from a Google search. Yes these are the ones that I actually use. And if you don’t use Lightroom don’t worry – whatever you use will have similar.

  1. P for pick – how I quickly choose photos to think about editing
  2. X for reject – a quick way to sort the rubbish out
  3. U to cancel flag – for when I change my mind
  4. D for develop – takes me straight to editing photos
  5. M for map – takes me straight to the excellent map module
  6. R for crop – takes me straight to the crop tool
  7. O for crop overlays – lets me scroll through the different crop overlays
  8. G for grid – takes me to the grid view in the library mode
  9. Control C – to copy stuff
  10. Control V – to paste the stuff that I have copied
  11. Shift Tab – quickly get rid of or bring back the side panels
  12. Control A – select all the photos
  13. Right arrow key – used on the sliders to give me fine control
  14. Left arrow key – the same but the other way
  15. Home – takes me to the first photo in a collection/ folder
  16. End – takes me to the last photo
  17. Page Up – many uses, including the spot removal tool
  18. Page Down – many uses, including the spot removal tool
  19. K new mask – takes me straight to a new mask
  20. Q spot removal – takes me straight to the spot removal tool
  21. W – white balance – takes me straight to the white balance tool
  22. Y before and after – a quick look at what I have done
  23. F full image – gives me the image on a full screen
  24. F2 – when I want to change a filename
  25. Space bar – zoom in/ out – dead handy

Listen for more, or check out the transcript and even the blog post - so many ways to find out more!

What’s next?
Episode 131 - How Can I Improve My Photo Editin

Do you want to become a real estate photographer? Check out where you will find my course, cunningly titled, How to Become a Real Estate Photographer. How Utterly Splendid. And for August only, there is a whopping 25 percent off the price using the code  PODCASTAUGUST. Even more utterly splendid. Enjoy the podcast.

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Thanks very much for listening

Cheers from me Rick

25 Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts That I Use All The Time To Save Me Time. Hi and welcome to Episode 130 of the Photography Explained podcast.

 I’m your host Rick, and in each episode I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes (ish) without the irrelevant details. What I tell you is based on my lifetime of photographic experience. And not Google. Definitely no Google in this episode.

Here is the answery bit

Here are 25 Lightroom keyboard shortcuts that I use. I have listed these during an editing session – they are not produced from a Google search. Yes these are the ones that I actually use. And if you don’t use Lightroom don’t worry – whatever you use will have similar.

  1.  P for pick – how I quickly choose photos to think about editing
  2. X for reject – a quick way to sort the rubbish out
  3. U to cancel flag – for when I change my mind
  4. D for develop – takes me straight to editing photos
  5. M for map – takes me straight to the excellent map module
  6. R for crop – takes me straight to the crop tool
  7. O for crop overlays – lets me scroll through the different crop overlays
  8. G for grid – takes me to the grid view in the library mode
  9. Control C – to copy stuff
  10. Control V – to paste the stuff that I have copied
  11. Shift Tab – quickly get rid of or bring back the side panels
  12. Control A – select all the photos
  13. Right arrow key – used on the sliders to give me fine control
  14. Left arrow key – the same but the other way
  15. Home – takes me to the first photo in a collection/ folder
  16. End – takes me to the last photo
  17. Page Up – many uses, including the spot removal tool
  18. Page Down – many uses, including the spot removal tool
  19. K new mask – takes me straight to a new mask
  20. Q spot removal – takes me straight to the spot removal tool
  21. W – white balance – takes me straight to the white balance tool
  22. Y before and after – a quick look at what I have done
  23. F full image – gives me the image on a full screen
  24. F2 – when I want to change a filename
  25. Space bar – zoom in/ out – dead handy

 The talky bit

If you don’t use Lightroom sorry, but whatever you use, find out what keyboard shortcuts are available to you and learn them. They save me loads of time and help me to work much more quickly.

And I have used these so much that they are pretty much instinctive – when I get into the zone with my editing my fingers blaze around the keyboard. Well you know what I mean…..

And when you are sussing out which shortcuts to use, make a note of them. Sure have the full list of them but don’t try to remember all of them. I have told you the ones that I use, and I didn’t pick them off a list. I wrote down the ones that I use during a real editing session.

If I tried to remember all of the Lightroom keyboard shortcuts I would confuse myself, there are way too many.

Sure I had a copy of the full list of keyboard shortcuts to start with. I started off with the list, and started to use the ones that I wanted to. And I have built on this, using the keyboard shortcuts that I want to, to help me. And that is the list that you see. 25 is plenty for me, there is no way I can remember any more than that!

There might be the odd one but these 25 I used during an actual edit.

And there are some really cool things that really help.

When I am doing something with sliders, which you are meant to drag with the mouse pointer, I use the left and right arrow key to get instant, controllable movement of the sliders.

When I am correcting verticals for example this is dead handy. And I use this to gradually increase and decrease the exposure and other tonal things. Anything with a slider you can use the arrow keys to adjust, if you want to that is.

Whatever software you use to edit your photos, keyboard shortcuts will help you, and will save you tons of time. They also give you a break from the mouse, giving you regular changes of position which is a good thing too.

Short episode alert – I am done here – will I get this one done in less than 10 minutes?

What do I do?

Well I have told you that. Let’s move on. I’m in a hurry! Learn to use the keyboard shortcuts that will help you edit photos more efficiently. That simple.

Next episode

Photography Explained Podcast Episode 131 – How Can I Improve My Photo Editing Workflow? Want To Know What I Do?

In this episode I am going to tell you exactly what my workflow for editing photos is from start to finish. Not sure how long that will take but I will try to get it done in less than 10 minutes. Not much chance of that though….

Ask me a question.

If you have a photography question you would like me to answer in plain English in less than 10 minutes (ish) without the irrelevant details, just head over to start.

This is a great place to go to find out more about me and my podcast, and also find ways that you can help me.

I would love to hear from, even if you just want to say hi.

This episode was powered by, wait for it, splendid reheated pizza from Saturday night washed down with lots of water. It is hot today, and not a cheese sandwich day. Nope, I am sipping water now sat here in my home made acoustically cushioned recording emporium.

OK - I’m done

I’ve been Rick McEvoy, thanks again very much for listening to my small but perfectly formed podcast (it says here), and for giving me 10 (ish) minutes of your valuable time. I really hope that you have enjoyed this episode, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Take care, stay safe


Cheers from me Rick

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