Photography Explained Podcast

What Is Photography? Episode 1 Revisited. Well I Want To Get Back To Basics

Rick McEvoy Episode 146

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A happy 2023 to you, dear listener. I hope that you are well.

I am starting off 2023 with something completely different. See, I have things to deal with, so my priorities right now have to be elsewhere. So, what I want to do is share with you the first episode of my podcast, What Is Photography?

This is the original recording, published in October 2020.

I will pick up on this in the next episode, where I will give you my thoughts on what is after all a fundamental question about photography. And this is something that I have a lot to say about.

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Find out more about the podcast on the Photography Explained Podcast website

And find out all about me on my photography website

Thanks very much for listening

Cheers from me Rick

Hi and welcome to Episode 146 of the Photography Explained podcast. I’m your host Rick, and in each episode I will try to explain one photographic to you in plain English, in less than 27 minutes (ish), without the irrelevant details. What I tell you is based on my lifetime of photographic experience. And not Google.

And a Happy 2023 to you dear listener. I hope that you are well.

I am starting off 2023 with something completely different. See I have things to deal with, so my priorities right now have to be elsewhere. So what I want to do is share with you the first episode of my podcast, What Is Photography?

This is the original recording, published in October 2020.

I will pick up on this in the next episode, where I will give you my thoughts on what is after all a fundamental question about photography. And this is something that I have a lot to say about.

But there is one thing that I ask of you dear listener. What is photography to you? Please let me know and I will add your thoughts to the next episode, along with a lovely big shout out to you.

So for now I will say thank you, please bear with me, and I will see you with a brand new episode in 2 weeks’ time, which will be titled “What Is Photography? My 2023 Update On What Photography Actually Is”.

Take care

Stay safe

Cheers from me Rick

OK - that was the podcast episode.

And this is the script from episode 1

"Hi, everybody. Welcome to Episode 1 of the photography explained podcast. In this episode, what is photography?

I'm your host Rick and each week I will try to explain one photographic thing in plain English in less than 10 minutes.

This week, I'm starting at the very beginning asking the question, what is photography? I'm going to go a step further to be honest and talk about this – What is photography to me?

What exactly is the word photography?

Photography is made from two Greek words, photos, which means light and graphic, which means drawing. Some people say writing, but it's the same principle.

So photography is drawing with light.

When was this word created?

Apparently, it was John Herschel who came up with the word in 1839. Yeah, 1830, 80 years ago now! Just think how much the world has changed since then - quite scary really. Think about how much things changed last year!

History lesson over

 Okay, that was the briefest of brief history lessons ever - back to me.

Yes, it's all about me now. For one episode only!

What is photography to me?

Well, photography has been a huge part of my life since my early teens. And this is a long time I can assure you as I am quite old and I have spent my entire adult life studying, learning, practising, sharing and enjoying photography.

Photography (not Socrates which is what the transcript came up with!) has taken me to so many unique places and given so many unforgettable experiences,

I feel very fortunate to have found photography, or did photography find me? That was deep, wasn't it? Don't worry, I’m done with that!

Let me tell you about some things that photography has given me.

1 – A business I really enjoy. And a business that I'm in control of. And I do pretty much everything for that business from clients approaching me to the issue of edited images.

2 - Imposter Syndrome

Even now when I have edited images and issued them to a client, I look at them and think that they were taken by a real photographer, not me.

But no – I created those images!

3 - Creating great work

Another thing that I really enjoy is processing images. And for some reason I get particular pleasure out of this, especially processing interior shots. I just love bringing out the light in interior spaces and working with clients.

4 - Broadening my base

My photography business has broadened my horizons massively. My main clients are architects, construction companies, marketing firms, house builders, developers, PR companies, quite a good range of people. And people that I would have never come across without my photography business.

A completely non-sensical paragraph

The transcript for this bit just did not make sense, so I will try to extract out some logic. It’s OK – I think I managed to work it out!

5 - My business website

I created all of this all by myself, and I am very proud of this.

6 - My weekly blog

I've learned loads from writing a weekly blog post, as I've had to really get into things to explain them.

7 – You Tube

I've also learned how to do YouTube videos and have a YouTube channel.

8 - Podcasting

And finally, well, not finally, but this podcast was something I've been wanting to do for absolutely ages. I'm actually quite proud of it - is not great at the moment but we'll get there. Don't you worry. I am determined to do this well.

9 – Affiliate marketing

And yeah, the last thing about my business arises is that I have affiliate agreements with other companies.

10 – The images I create

Anyway, to be honest, this is something that I have a genuine expertise in. And I mentioned before the issuing of photos for clients, and sometimes, even though I'm sort of surprised that I've managed to create something so good, it's a brilliant feeling. 

11 – A lifetimes study

But I've been doing this for well over 30 years and I spent a lot of like 30 years practising studying, learning and developing that perhaps to the point where I can honestly say that I have a degree of expertise in photography.

And when I meet somebody who's got an interest in photography, like just starting out, then I realise how much I've learned and how far I've come and then I love talking to those people about what I have learned. My take on things not always right but I have my take on this.

12 – Sharing my expertise

My websites give me an opportunity to share my expertise online with my blog, website, social media and other things.

13 – Sunrises

Photography has give me so many fantastic sunrises on holiday, not every morning but two to three mornings in a fortnight is reasonable. I get up at stupid’o’clock, get my bag, snacks and stuff and disappear.

Recently, I've started doing videos as well. So maybe this is even better. But I've never seen this on photography.

14 – The photos I have taken

Another thing that photography has given me is huge range of photos from all over the world. And I started using Lightroom in 2007 so every photograph I've taken since then is in a single Lightroom catalogue. This is a fantastic library that I've got, which I can go back to any time and just look at stuff. It's brilliant.

15 - Unique locations

Photography has taken me to some unique locations. One of note was a gravel loading facility on the live rail network to photograph the carriages being unloaded of their loads of gravel.

16 – Still an imposter

I'll mention it again, I look at my photos and think that they were taken by somebody else, ie a professional photographer. I am still suffering from imposter syndrome, it seems even after 13 years of making money doing this stuff. 

I have still got that thing, which isn't bad.

I’m done thanks

So that's just a very brief introduction to what photography means to me. I could have written a lot more than that, but I I'm not going to speak for the sake of it. I'm just going to say what I want to say. And then I'm going to sign off.

Next episode

In the next episode of the Photography Explained Podcast, how does a camera actually work? Again, I'm starting with the very beginnings of photography. 

I don't feel that I have found this information anywhere else as to how a camera actually works. I think it's a great subject.


So I'm going to start waffling there. I was beginning to pad out the episode which I promised myself I wouldn't do. The aim isn't 10 minutes. The aim is to tell you what I want to tell you. If it takes 10 minutes it takes 10 minutes, if it takes 11 minutes that is fine.


It’s time for a beer which is good with me. Okay, thanks for listening. I hope you enjoyed episode one of my podcast. If you did, please leave a nice review and rating wherever you get your podcast from. Please subscribe so you don't miss an episode.

I'll get some show notes done as well.

Oh yeah. If you could tell everybody else you know about my podcast that will be even better. That will help my podcast grow. 

Finally, let me know if there is a photography thing you want to explain. Cheers for now. See you on the next episode. Bye."

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