Photography Explained Podcast

The Number 1 Way To Improve Your Photography

Rick McEvoy Episode 19

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Hi everybody. Welcome to Episode 19 of the Photography Explained podcast.

I’m your host Rick McEvoy and I explain one photographic thing per episode in plain English in less that 10 minutes without the irrelevant detail. I have well over 30 years of experience in photography so I do know what I am talking about!

In this episode - The Number 1 Way To Improve Your Photography

Here is my answer

The number one way to improve your photography is simply to get out and take photos. It really is that simple. Nothing else will improve your photography more than getting out and taking photos. When you go out and take photos, you are applying everything that you've learned to the process of creating new images.

Listen for more, or check out the transcript and even the blog post - so many ways to find out more!

What’s next?
Episode 20 – Let's Get Technical!

Do you want to become a real estate photographer? Check out where you will find my course, cunningly titled, How to Become a Real Estate Photographer. How Utterly Splendid. And for August only, there is a whopping 25 percent off the price using the code  PODCASTAUGUST. Even more utterly splendid. Enjoy the podcast.

Don't forget, for August only, get 25 percent off my splendid How to Become a Real Estate Photographer course. Head over to, click on the course link and enter PODCASTAUGUST   to get that whopping 25 percent off.

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Thanks very much for listening

Cheers from me Rick


Hi, everybody. Welcome to Episode 19 of the photography explained podcast. In this episode, the number one way to improve your photography, and my photography too.

I'm your host, Rick, and each week I will try to explain one photographic thing to you in plain English in less than 10 minutes without the irrelevant details, to explain things in just enough detail to help us with our photography and no more.

This is a kind of a general chatty one, the number one way to improve your photography. So I've written my formal answer and here it is. All my own words, of course.

The number one way to improve your photography is simply to get out and take photos. It really is that simple. Nothing else will improve your photography more than getting out and taking photos. When you go out and take photos, you are applying everything that you've learned to the process of creating new images.

The magic of photography
The magic of photography for me is creating new images. It's hardly a difficult sentence to perfect, is it? The magic of photography? That was quite rubbish. But this is take two - take one I got about 30 seconds in and just completely lost my words.

So let's crack on.

Yeah, the magic of photography
I've been practising photography for, I don't know, a long time. Can I say? Well over 30 years. That makes me sound old enough, doesn't it? I don't want to. I don't want to admit how old I actually am. That I don't want to admit how old I am to myself because it's quite depressing. (No its no really!).

The magic of photography is creating new images. For me, everything to do with photography starts with creating new images. If you don't go out and create new images what have you got? Stuff that you've already taken?

Sure I got loads of photos that I haven't ever processed, that I‘ve never got round to. But um, yeah, creating new images sparks everything for me, the entire process, the interest, the enjoyment.

Let's go through a few things. Let me convince you that I am right. What I have written here is quite strong words for me, isn't it? 

Number one in my list of 10 things. I guess I should have said 10 ways to improve your photography in 2020. That might have been a bit catchier.

1 The number one thing is to get out and take photographs
New images give you new things to work with. Every time I take new images, I seem to learn a little bit more with them. Learning is a never ending process.

And if you think you've learned everything in photography, you're wrong.

And if you think you can't get another new image, you're wrong, you can always go out and get a new image, something new to create, work with, and enjoy.

2 If you're out taking photographs, you're not watching TV
You're not on Netflix, you’re not spending money, buying stuff, you're actually out there, taking photos. Get out and take photos, you're in the fresh air which is good for you. Fresh air is good. Stopping in is not good. Get out and about you're getting exercise.

And that is good for your mental health.

Now when I was a teenager, and in my 20s we never talked about mental health. Mental health is particularly important, which is brilliant, that it is not frowned upon anymore. And now we can all talk about it openly.

You get out in the fresh air, take some photos, explore some new places, just enjoy yourself and the landscape and the environment around you. It's good for you. It's good for me.

I need to do it more. As I say a lot. 

That wasn't the point number five, as I say a lot. But number five, as I say a lot. (I have lost 3 and 4 here!)

5 Practice makes perfect
Think about an athlete. They don't just turn up and run 400 metres in super quick time.

They practice.

People experts are not (normally) born exerts. Experts, they become by practice, which leads me seamlessly on to number six.

6 The 10,000 hour rule
Now, there is a saying, not sure what the saying is, but the meaning of the saying is something like this. To become an expert in anything, you need to apply 10,000 hours of practice. Now, I've got no idea how many hours I've applied to practice. But I'm obviously I'm a slow learner, because I've probably done a lot more than 10,000 hours.

Am I an expert? Well I'm not bad, I'm proficient, I get by. But maybe my 10,000 hours weren't spent specifically on certain things, but I was a bit all over the place, practising everything and anything - just have an email come in whilst I'm recording this - I thought I'd put my iPad on Do Not Disturb, but that didn't work.

I should write an episode called 10 reasons why I hate Apple. Hates a strong word, why I find some of their features slightly inconvenient. Digressing here. I have an iPhone XS. I can't use it without having it in a case because I just drop it everywhere.

Why don't why don't they make a phone that you can actually hold safely?

Sorry, I digress.

7 Go out and take photos
If you go out and take photos you're applying everything that you've learned. I find that that this is so enjoyable. I like learning things. But there's no point learning things if you're not going to apply them and work with them.

You could sit down in front of a computer and learn everything there is to know about photography, you could be an expert in everything about photography, or know more than anybody else about everything in photography.

But it's all a waste of time if you don't go out and take photos. Right. That's that one done.

9 Use your gear
You're using your gear. I've talked about this before. I will talk about this a lot more in the future. See, I have a thing about gear and this. Well, I have a perception that people talk and write about gear far too much. The gear of course, gear is important.

I bought shed loads of stuff in the past and I didn't use lots of it. I never used some of it and I sold it after applying my, I'd like to say my world famous, one year rule.

But it's not world famous, but it's my rule.

What is my one year rule?
If I've got something I haven't used for a year, I sell it. That includes photography gear, for which I made quite a few quid the other year.

I don't buy any more gear unless I have a need for it.

But you get out and about you're using your gear. If you're out and about using your gear, what you're not doing is you’re not buying more gear. Because you're out using what you have - see it's win win all the way isn't it?

And you're using stuff that you've already bought, and you learn to use it blah, blah, blah, all good stuff. Last point, I'm at risk of losing it here.

10 Create new photos
Every time you go out and take photos, you are creating something new. I mean, that's just a fact. And there is one thing I will add to that, which I'm going to put in my notes here afterwards.

There's only one thing I can guarantee you in photography. If you don't go out and take new photos, you won't create new photos.

That's a fact.

If you do go out, you might get something - you might end up with nothing. You might end up with rubbish, but there's a chance you'll get something. If you don't go out you'll get nothing.

And lastly, what I need to do much more of myself next year.

So that's that an idea for a future episode actually.

What’s next?

So what's next in the Photography Explained Podcast? I've titled this “Let's get technical”.

Blimey, I'm running out of time.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing 10 minutes of your day with me. I hope you enjoyed this episode which I think had some good stuff in there. I think.

If you liked this episode, please leave a nice review and rating wherever you get your podcasts from, and please let somebody know about me and my podcast.

Check out my website, Rick McEvoy Photography, where you can find out all about me and my architectural and construction photography work. You also find my blog where there's lots more photography learning to be enjoyed.

Lastly, I was rushing that to try and get into the 10 minutes time slot but we're going to go to 11 minutes today because I'm feeling brave. So finally, let me know if there is a photography thing you want me to explain? I will add it to my list. Head over to my website. Click on the podcast tile and you should find all the information you need, including the recently updated list of subjects I'm going to record future episodes about.

Okay, I'm done. This episode was brought to you by the power of well, not much clearly.

I've been Rick McEvoy. Thanks again for listening. Thank you for giving me 10 minutes of your valuable time. I really do appreciate it. And I will see you on the next episode. Cheers from me, Rick.


photography, photos, images, gear, rick, practising, mcevoy, podcast, learn, fresh air


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