Elevation Nation

Making The Most Out Of Credit Cards | Founder of Lever Amir Vardi

June 21, 2022 Season 1 Episode 161

Amir Vardi is the founder of Lever, a company on a mission to help people optimize credit card rewards, track spending and improve credit scores. Amir found himself knowing all to well about the world of finances in the classroom and corporate setting. But as a young adult, he struggled with getting a full grasp of his own personal finances.

An idea that he wrote on a napkin, soon became a reality when he quit his full time job and went all in figuring out how to start Lever. Now, through his company, Amir is helping people to  be smarter with their money.

We talk with Amir about

  • Personal finances strategies
  • The hard thing to understand about credit cards
  • How Lever can help you make the most out of credit cards

Lever - Website

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