The Expat Mom Podcast

Stress Part 1: The Power of Thinking Differently About Stress

Jennie Linton Episode 8

Stress.  In our modern world stress can feel more like the norm than the exception.  We often think of stress as a villain--something awful that robs us of our joy and peace.  But modern research shows that actually stress can be beneficial.  AND, even more importantly, the way we think ABOUT stress matters.  When we see it as a problem it has all sorts of negative side effects.  But when we see at as beneficial our biochemistry changes.  The physical and emotions effects are profound.  

On this episode you'll learn:

  • The negative physical and emotional impact stress can have
  • What the latest research shows about why the way we perceive stress matters 
  • Some of the incredible benefits of stress
  • What it looks like to shift our thoughts about stress

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