More Wine Please with Amber Mack

Chapter 27.

Amber Mack Season 1 Episode 12

More Wine?! Send me a text! Share your thoughts!

She's backkkkkk! Episode 12 in the books ladies and gentlemen! I know I been gone for a little and that's my bad y'all! Life has been, well life. But I will never stop saying THANK YOU to the people that constantly support this podcast every Friday! This week we are are going to be going a little deeper than normal. I just wanted to touch on my birthday, turning 28, my life at 27 in 2020!  I know this is sometimes a touchy topic to get on but I believe in having the conversation.  I share my thoughts on the world, going to therapy, being a better person, and so much more. .Don't hesitate on starting ways to become a better you! So go ahead and grab your wine glass or get MORE WINE PLEASE!