Sue Frederick's Mystical Conversations

Mystical Conversation with Gail Lynn: A grieving mom has a profound connection with her departed son.

Sue Frederick Season 1 Episode 12

Grieving mom Gail Lynn shares her extraordinary experiences connecting to her son on the other side. Her spiritual wisdom and inspiring stories help us all see the truth of our lives in this physical world.


Hello, let's have a mystical conversation this morning. The kind where we lose ourselves in the mysteries of this world. We share dreams from the other side messages from our departed, intuitive nudging and soul mission yearnings. Hello, I'm Sue Frederick, your host for today's mystical conversation. I'm the author of eight books including, I see your dream job and bridges to heaven, True Stories of loved ones on the other side. I am a lifelong intuitive, and a Master numerologist. And for the past 20 years, I've made my living coaching people with intuition, numerology and mystical conversations. I'd love to work with you. And if you would like a session, just visit my website, Sue Frederick, calm. All right. I'm so excited about today's guest. She is such a heart, sister of mine, even though we've just discovered that we only actually met each other. Last year. She has just been so deeply in my heart. I thought I knew her for decades. So I'm sure I've known her for lifetimes. Her name is Gail Lynn. And she is such a beautiful soul. And she has a I'll just tell you briefly, she started out with a bachelor's in psychology and she was an elementary school teacher for 10 years. And then she began raising her family with her. And this is a great story. her high school sweetheart, they've been married 30 years. And they were raising their two beautiful children. And she has Jake, who we're going to talk to on the other side today and her daughter, Hannah, who is currently a college graduate working on her master's degree. But since Jake's departure, Gail has gone on such an amazing journey. today. She's a Reiki healer, a yoga teacher, and one of my trained intuitive grief coaches. And here's how she describes her experience with Jake. She says Jake left the physical world in July of 2017, unexpectedly, just three weeks before his 21st birthday. Oh boy, that's a hard story to tell all of us moms can feel that pain. It was his passing. She says that shattered my heart wide open and set me on a profound spiritual awakening, opening up my intuition to learn everything and anything I could about where he was in the afterlife. So say hello, Gail. I sue How are you? Thank you so much for having me. I'm happy to have you here girl, you are just such a beautiful soul. So tell us about Jake. Oh, my Jake. He was a larger than life character, life of the party, tons of friends very outgoing, full of energy full of joy full of life. Just a kind, compassionate soul. And it was really so shattering that when he left and so unexpectedly with no goodbye that it was that shattering that just completely broke my heart wide open. And just as loud as he was in the physical world. He's been just as loud now in the spiritual worlds. He's been so instrumental in helping me find him and, and, and move on with a path of being able to feel like I'm healing and now getting to a point where I feel like I can help other moms heal too. I love that story so much. And let me just tell the viewers, the listeners that Gail I do numerology as you know, and Gail is on the Virgo 11 master soul path. So she agreed before this lifetime, that she was going to end up being one of the healers, one of the teachers here. And even though she already knew that on a on a deep level and had actually studied psychology and became a teacher, this experience with Jake really kicked her up to her next level of her great work. Because now, the way she's involved with a group of moms who are all grieving and she is one of the strong souls and they're helping so many people. And it's just an honor to know you, Gail. So tell us more. Oh, thank you. Well, really I'll start with at the very beginning. Actually the day of the funeral How I knew he was still existing and that he, I was always intuitive my whole life, I always had a strong interest in learning about near death experiences. I remember reading Raymond Moody's book life after life when I was like 10. Like I was just always fascinated with reincarnation. And I always had intuitive moments where I would kind of know things like, I would pick up my phone, and then all of a sudden, you know, that person would call me or, I'd have a thought, and you know, and see that person. So I always had a very strong intuitive knowing, but it was when he left the day of the funeral. Actually, I remember the funeral director at the service came over and handed my daughter and I sunflower, that had a fake butterfly attached to it. And she, it had fallen out of the car, and she came over to us and she said, I feel like I need to hand you this, like you need this. So we kept it actually, my daughter still has it in her room, you know, the dried sunflower. So the next day after the funeral, I went out in the backyard to just kind of fall apart. I went out and just started really sobbing and crying and just needed a moment and I'm and I'm out there crying. And I'm saying, Jake, where are you? Where are you? And all of a sudden, this beautiful monarch butterfly started fluttering around the grass and like the big circle right in front of me close to the ground as if to say like, come here, come here. So yeah, where did the grass and dropped to my knees and this beautiful butterfly landed about a foot away from me on a on a blade of grass, and I'm crying. And I'm saying Jake, is that you, Jake? Is that you and the wind's blowing, and as the winds blowing, it's holding on for dear life. And I'm sitting here. I'm communing with this butterfly. I know it's a sign from my son. And I sat there with it for about 20 minutes. And then my husband and my daughter came out to look for me and they sat out with me. And I said, look at this butterfly, it's been here for 20 minutes, and they sat we sat for probably another 20 minutes, we took pictures of it. And after about, you know, 40 minutes, I said okay, Jake, we know it's you, you can go now. And in that very instant the butterfly let go of the blade of grass and flew up and away and over the house. So great. And and so then there's even more validation about three weeks later on his birthday, because he passed in the beginning of the July and his birthday was the end of the month. I set up a reading for a medium. And I had never gone to a meeting. And we had never done anything like that before. But I just I was guided, I'm going to put that in air quotes. Because we now know it's our loved ones putting the breadcrumbs for us. But we went to see a medium. And it was an amazing reading. We just got validation after validation that he was with us. And in that reading, he told us that he had sent us that butterfly she knew he had sent us that butterfly The day after the funeral. So that was like my confirmation. And, and my husband was always open. But I think more on the skeptical side. And the morning we had gone to that medium. My husband and I were in the kitchen having a conversation. And I was saying you know, I don't think I'm going to be able to do Thanksgiving this year. I had always hosted thanksgiving for my family and my husband literally broke down sobbing on the kitchen floor saying I'm never going to be able to throw him the football ever again. Because that was their tradition. They on Thanksgiving morning they go out and saw the football. Well at at that reading with the medium. At the very end, we were getting ready to get up to leave and she goes Wait, she goes, did you like football to my husband? And he says yes. And she said, Well, your son's throwing you the football. Oh my god, I love that so much. So it was getting those validations so early in the journey that that really kick started, you know, opening everything wide open. So what were your spiritual beliefs before Jake's departure? like did you believe in a specific religion? or How did Jake's departure redefine perhaps your spiritual understanding of life? Well, I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school all through my life. The children were raised Catholic, you know, went to CCD and everything but we weren't strong, you know, practicing Catholics, we were more I would say spiritual. You know, just believing and being a good person. I didn't think sitting in a church for a week was going to you know, make it any better or worse than somebody else. I believe it's how you live your life. And how you The people that matters, right? And go ahead. Well, I was just gonna say, you know, you It's beautiful because what you've done is you've taken a traditional religion and kind of redefined it in a way so that you can embrace the the message of that religion, which is to be compassionate and loving. Exactly, you know, and that's what I think we learn when our beloved's are on the other side is that what this experience in the earthly world is about is love learning to love. And, you know, quieting our minds of fear and doubt and, and really stepping into our highest consciousness of love. And can you describe what kind of messages Jake has given you since then, and and what they have to do with love and all of that? Oh, wow. Well, he really has. I've done a lot of something that's been really helping me since right from the beginning, I kind of intuitively knew I needed to keep a connection with him. And I found journal writing to be very, very cathartic. So I started immediately writing in a journal to Jake, I love that. And that, that that's been really helping, I still do it to this day, I have notebooks and notebooks and notebooks. But after I had, maybe six months or so down the road, I went for like my first Reiki session. And that's something I had never even knew about before. But that's, that's another story. But at the Reiki session, the woman said, you know, your son wants to also write to you, besides writing to him, and I had never thought of that before. I'm like, Okay, I'll give that a try. So, I now what I do is I, you know, I'll write to him in my journal to kind of call him in, and then I'll do a meditation. And again, that's something new to me, since he left I had never meditated before. But now that's a very strong part of my life. And then after I do the meditation, I have a separate book, and I write Dear Mom, and I had him write to me. And he's just, you know, comes out with these words of wisdom about just, you know, what really matters, that that really, this is the dream that we're in right now. And that when we wake up, reawakened, that is the reality, and that there's just so much more to the physical world. And, you know, people, so many people are sleepwalking, like walking around in their physical experience, having their material life and think that that's all there is, and they don't realize that there's just so much more. So it's all these little nuggets of wisdom I have from him that have just really changed my whole perspective on on how I see things and how I view things. And you know, what's so beautiful about that is that every depart every grieving mom I've ever talked to, says the exact same thing that their child on the other side has shown them, what life is really about, and that this physical world is our dream. It's our illusion, our school, whatever you want to call it, and that our real life, our real nature is in the divine realms. And, you know, when we have a child crossover, it breaks us open so wide, that we are suddenly open to a whole different view of this physical world. And just as Jake told you, and that writing, you know, we are sleepwalking here when we deny that the divine realms are our true home, or when we think that it's weird or evil or whatever, to connect to a soul on the other side, because it's natural for us to be intuitive. It's natural for us to be connected to the other side. And the way Jake has come to you and written through you, I do that with my students and clients and every one of them have experiences of their departed writing these beautiful mystical truths to them. So are you going to put it into a book Gale, I hope I've been being told that for a long time that I have to choose from other you know, mediums and whatnot that someday that will be I it really, it will, it'll happen. I don't know how but it'll happen. And I trust that's another thing. I've learned to trust that there are people put into our lives that just the right time and in just the right way. And if you just are open to it, you know, things will fall into place. You just have to trust. So if there's a book meant to be, it'll happen I believe that too, you know, and I love that because this world tells us that we're in charge of it, and our egos have to take action and make things happen. But when we've had a mystical experience, like our departed loved one being on the other side, we learn that what we're really supposed to be doing here is trusting in the divine order of life unfolding for our highest good. Now, that doesn't mean life is going to unfold without pain. But it's going to take us where we came here to go, and help us do what we came here to do. Now you as a beautiful master soul, what would you say your future work, you know, with Jake's blessing is going to be as you move forward. Um, I, I believe that I've gotten to a point now where I'm so confident in my connection with him that I can help other moms try to get to that level of confidence as well. Because, for me, that was really a big turning point in my being able to continue here to cope, to get to that point of knowing, and that's where the capital K and o w, like knowing in my heart, that this is real, that it's a soul to soul communication, and we all have a soul. So we all can do it. That's right. And that, and that bonds that we have is completely unbreakable. And that it's eternal, or my story, my love story with Jake is eternal. That's right. And beginning a no ending, it's just, you know, I spent 30 years here before he got here. And I might have to spend a little more time now without a year, but I know, I know, we will be together again. And I just have to come to that knowing. And so, you know, I'm hoping to be able to move forward and help other moms try to kind of pull them along the way to shine the light for them. Well, Gail, I think you've already helped because when I whatever class I'm ever teaching on zoom. My you bring your mom posse with you. And those are the most amazing souls, those grieving moms because, you know, here's the thing I think is a real travesty about this physical world, is that when people lose a loved one, they are told, I mean, if they go to a grief circle or grief group in a traditional way, you know, those circles don't talk about spirituality and intuition. And even traditional therapist will say, Oh, well, you know, that's kind of magical thinking that's not real. And those are crippling a thought. Because if, if a grieving person believes that this physical world is all there is, and denies all the signs and messages that their departed loved one is trying to give them, it makes it so hard for them to live the rest of their life in a productive, happy way. And yet, the truth of our universe is just as Jake showed you, there's more going on here than we can see, there's more going on than we understand. And so Jake, and all of his buddies on the other side, I mean, they are helping all of us wake up collectively. Don't you agree? Oh, I absolutely agree. And you know, what's so funny is so many of the other kids on the other side of you know, the the moms I've been working, talking with all our kids have similar stories, similar personalities, similar characteristics, it's almost like there is a collective consciousness, I believe, of souls that are coming at this time to awaken everybody. I totally agree. And it's just, I believe he's part we are, he's a part of a huge collective consciousness of these, these beautiful, highly evolved, old souls that are coming here to just shake things up. And and you know, wake people up, because once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep for that is so true. And you know, this is a time of consciousness shifting more rapidly than ever on planet Earth. And I also believe that it's these young, beautiful souls who departed early on the other side, who were really working to wake us up and help us see the truth of this physical world. And, you know, I've told you this before Gail, but whenever I work with a grieving client, or even teach a grief workshop, it is those kids who come through to me and I don't even call myself a medium like I believe that I'm here to teach people to connect to their departed. Right? I don't do The traditional mediumship thing. And so it's blows me away when I go to work with a mom, and their kid is keeping me awake for days telling me stuff, not letting me sleep. And you know, and then when I teach a workshop, boy, I can't I don't get any sleep either, because those kids are all night long, showing me their physical appearances giving me their very specific messages, because they don't want their parents to get lost in the grief. That isn't the point of the experience, the point of the experience is going, Oh, my heart is broken, wide open, I need to feel this pain, because that's part of the journey. But while I'm also feeling it, I am going to be open to perhaps experiencing them in a different way. That's all we have to say, is I'm gonna be open to it. And like, another grieving mom I've worked with, she's written a book called choose to believe and that's exactly what it is. We just simply have to make a choice that we are willing to believe beyond the physical. Exactly. And and to get to that, knowing in your heart that this is you know, it's it's real. It's it's not your imagination. It's not your, you know, mind going crazy. It is real. So what are your tips to anyone grieving about how to quiet your cynical mind because you're a Virgo like me, Gail. So we have to learn how to quiet that cynical mind. Yeah, open the heart. You know, what I in the very beginning, I started trying to do a conscious effort of at least one good thing for my soul every day. And I would whether it was you know, I was going to meditate that day, or do yoga that day, or go for a walk up to the beach, stand out in the sunshine, anything I could do to raise my vibration, because I, I really, I did like a, almost like a full time job for the first two years of trying to clear out all my energetic gunk, you know, anything that was holding me down, because my goal was to be able to be as clear as possible to be able to be in closer alignment with my true higher self, with my spirit guides with my angels, and of course with Jake, my loved ones. So well, you're sharing, you're sharing such an important point, I just want to really get people to listen to what you just said, we do need to raise our vibration here in order to communicate with the other side. And that's something you learned early on. And I want to tell all grieving people, especially grieving parents, that yes, you can feel your pain and cry it out. But just like Gail is saying, Do one thing a day, whether it's you know, gratitude, meditation, walking in nature, physical movement, whatever it is, that's going to lift your vibration, because that's going to open you up. Alright, continue. Gail. Exactly. Well, that's what I did in the very beginning. And I still try to do that to this day, you know, try to do at least one good thing for my soul and raise my vibration. You know, the journaling is I think key in the beginning, too. Like I did that intuitively. And I suggest that to anybody that and when you get a sign, have gratitude, say thank you. Don't Don't question it. Just, if you think it's a sign, it's a sign, you know, and I get that I get great signs from Jake, even, you know, they're not as often anymore, but I get them and especially when you really need them, they come through with the signs, keep keep a journal with your signs, keep a journal with your dreams, you know, keep track of everything. Then when you're having a really bad day. You can go back and read that and it's physical proof like wow, oh, yeah. I did get a penny that that day that had his birthday on it that you know that that raises it up and remind you keeps you connected. I love that so much. I mean, and that's the thing, you know, we can ask them to help us and I remember one Paul, my husband died and I was 29. I would ask him, especially when my best girlfriend Chrissy died the next year. I would say Chrissy, oh my god, I can't get through this. Can you do anything to make me laugh? And she would bring me things that would have me just laughing hysterically and I go, that was from Chrissy. So yep, and ask specifically to be lifted up in your energy because often when we're grieving We're in that heavy, dense energy of grief, and we got to go there as part of being human. And sometimes we feel like we can't lift ourselves from that place. And that's when we can call out for help. And we can say, you know, God helped me or we can say, Jake helped me or my departed loved one help me. But the minute we call out to be lifted up like that, we get an answer, we get help. That's how this beautiful loving universe works. And you have learned all of this so quickly, Gail, it's just such a beautiful story that so shortly after your devastation, you began learning all of this. Yeah. And that's thanks to him. Like I said, I felt him right from the beginning. I think it's because I always had like a little bit of that intuitive knowing beforehand. And it's almost like I was preparing for this I and that's another thing having to let go of control. You know, I always wanted to protect him, I always worried about him, because he was always such a daredevils, like, you know, climbing trees and jumping off of things. And I was always like, I, you know, when I remember that Jake was a Leo five path. I mean, that's a path of fearlessness, courage. I mean, he did exactly what he came here to do, to be fearless to live passionately. That is such a beautiful path. He was on that five energy of let me just gobble up this physical world and learn from it. I can feel his energy as we talk about that. Yeah, I'm all goose bumpy right now. So let's ask Jake to help all of us live fearlessly to help all of us believe in what is not visible. And you know, Jake's heart. You know, I feel whenever I connect to him, I just feel this loving, loving, powerful heart energy. That is something we all need to embrace and ourselves. Are there any other experiences about Jake or with Jake, you'd like to share? Let's see. Well, I could tell you the very first dream I had, yeah. And was it took a year before that. It was exactly a year it was right between when he left and his birthday, because it's in July. And it took a whole year. And in the dream, it was very, very quick and brief. But I knew I saw him like I woke up and like bliss, like gas, like that's how you know when it's a visit when it's your refund so vivid, and you can still remember it to this day. But in the dream, all he said to me was Mommy, I feel like I haven't been paying more attention to you. And I was like, you know, are you okay? And he just kind of like looked at me. And then I woke up and then that day, I literally got every single sign in the book. Like he threw everything at me in one day. I mean, I saw like, I got pennies, I I saw a butterfly fly across my cars. I was on the parkway, and then I saw like a WVU sticker on a car. That's a sign from him to the college that he went to I saw a cardinal I heard his song on the radio that he plays for me. I got a double rainbow that night. And I know what he was saying was I am paying attention to you, but you need you know, you should be paying attention to the signs to you know, to validate like, these are the signs I'm giving you. And and that was pretty, pretty great. And like I said, I keep track of all these things. I write them down. came to my head, don't you think he's also I mean, this is what I get from departed spirits. Even my husband Paul and Chrissy, they've come back and said, I am busy over here. I am, like Paul is leading groups and helping them with their life review when they crossover, you know, so there's a lot that they're doing having a great time. Do you get that message from Jake? Oh, yes, absolutely. I know. He's helping other kids. I know. He's bringing other kids and their moms to me, you know, like their moms like he's kind of on his side doing his thing and I'm on my side doing my thing and we're trying to, you know, bridge the gap here but my husband had a very vivid visit from Jake right in the beginning like about a month after Jake left, I'll tell this story real quick. And in the dream, my husband was sitting out at a park and Jake ran up to him outside and he tapped my husband on the shoulder my husband turned around and like saw Jake beaming with like, just glow. With this big smile, and my son said, Hey, dad, he said, guess what, I got a job with Morgan. And all I have to do is smile. And my husband was like, Oh, you know, like, so happy to Sam and my son's like, okay, gotta go daddy ran off. And he ran back to like this picnic with a bunch of kids. And my husband woke up. And my husband said, Oh, I just saw Jake. And it was like, so awesome. This visit, and we were trying to, you know, think about well, I wonder who Morgan is, we don't know anybody named Morgan. And we thought, well, it could be Morgantown, West Virginia, because he went to college at WVU. But we'll fast forward about an hour No, seven months later, I was googling grief groups. And I came across the organization helping parents heal, which has been a huge instrumental part of my healing, for absolutely wonderful. So I didn't even have a Facebook account, my daughter had to set one up for me, so I could join, I joined helping parents heal. And I start watching the video of the interview, Elizabeth was on the phone, one of the co founders had, yes, of helping parents heal. And she's telling her story. And she says that, you know, she started this after her son had passed away. And his name was Morgan. Oh, I love that. So how much So here, you know, like eight months beforehand, Jake told us I have a job working with Morgan working with these kids. And then that was like, a huge like, aha moment for me like, Oh my gosh, like, that totally makes sense. Now. So that was that was really cool. Thank you, Jake, for saying that. So clearly, you know, to really help bring the evidence that you know, you exist, and that Morgan is there and that you're meant Gail to be a part of that group helping parents heal. And by the way, if any of you are grieving parents, you definitely need to Google helping parents heal. It's an amazing organization. So one more question Gail, than I'll let you go. But um, who lives who dies? Who tells your story? What would you say about your journey? If you were looking at it now from the other side? Oh, well, you know, I hope I hope I'll be remembered as being a truly compassionate loving mom, who was completely devoted to to my children, and that I was willing to allow the, the grief of my son leaving ahead of me to be the catalyst to reawaken me to the reality that the real reality is what be what lies beyond this physical realm. And that the powerful spiritual message that I shared with other moms is a true lesson of motherhood is that our children are our greatest teachers and I and I woke up to that higher wisdom as a fully awakened being and I helped wake up other people along the way with Jake right by my side and reminds everybody that at the end of the day, all that matters is love. Ah, God gal, you're making me cry here. That is beautiful. And yes, I hope anybody who's listening who's grieving, heard exactly what she said that at the end, all that matters is love. And we can love our departed on the other side because they are loving on us. And so is there any way you want listeners to find you if they're grieving or want to connect? Well, I'm on Facebook as gaylin but I have an email. It's Gail and spear. for it. Ga ILAND SP. SPI r Oh, that's beautiful. Thank you so much. I just have cherished every minute of this conversation Gail sending you so much love. All right, listeners until we meet again, this is Sue Frederick having a mystical conversation with Gail Lin. If you want to learn more about my work, it's at Sue Thank you so much.