Spotlight on the Arts

Season 7 Episode 7 | Musical Theatre Series | From Page to Stage featuring Anne Marie McAdams

March 18, 2022 CaSPA Season 7 Episode 7

Anne-Marie has been performing in theatre for most of her life. From school and university plays and musicals, to community musical theatre in her early twenties and beyond. She has performed for a range of Musical Societies including the Regals, Miranda, Rockdale, Hurstville, Engadine and Bankstown and for Rockdale Guild Theatre.  She has played a variety of leading and supporting roles with some of her favourites being Adelaide in “Guys and Dolls”, Fastrada in “Pippin’, Annie in “Annie Get Your Gun” and Charity in “Sweet Charity’.

Anne-Marie has also been involved in other important musical theatre roles working backstage, front of house, proofreading, prompting, lighting cues and all tasks in theatrical performances as part of a community theatre team.

While living in Gibraltar Anne-Marie was awarded ‘Best Actress in a drama or musical’ in the British Forces Posted Overseas 1992 theatre awards.

As a performing arts teacher in Sydney Catholic Schools, Anne-Marie has loved being involved in directing and producing many concerts, plays, choir performances and musicals including major Archdiocesan productions.

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