Spotlight on the Arts

Season 7 Episode 8 | Musical Theatre Series | Building Community featuring Rosemary Andre and Leonie Burfield

CaSPA Season 7 Episode 8

Rosemary Andre is principal of the school communities at Pagewood and Matraville, Our Lady of the Annunciation (OLA) Catholic Primary School and St Agnes’ Catholic Primary School.Rose’s philosophy is that every Primary school child should have the opportunity to be part of a musical at least once in their Primary school years and aims to ensure that her school communities put on a musical every second year.

She has been involved in many CASPA Archdiocesan Festivals on the logistics team. Musicals such as Entertaining Angels and Tell Me A Story to name a few. She has also coordinated many musicals written and performed within schools as well as musicals such as Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and the Lion King.

Leonie Burfield is principal at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Sutherland. Leonie has been a pioneer of the school musical, self devised productions at school, as well as known musicals such as Seussical, Aladdin and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat. Leonie’s school communities have been involved in many CaSPA programs including Let’s Dance and Dance Works Schools Edition to name a few as well as part of the Logistic team for the Sydney Catholic Schools Archdiocesan Festivals 

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