Spotlight on the Arts

Season 5 Episode 7 Spotlight on the Arts | Meet the Talent Series | Wayne Tunks | Writer | Director | Producer | Actor

CaSPA Season 5 Episode 7

Wayne Tunks is a writer, director, actor, producer and drama coach with experience over 20 years. His plays have been performed all over Australia. They include, “The Subtle Art of Flirting”, “We’ll Always Have Wagga”, “The Bridesmaid Must Die!”, “The Girlie Show”, “Silvertop Ash”, “Flame Trees” and “Go West”. His critically acclaimed web series, “After Nightfall”, has won awards all over the world and his current short film, “Overcaterers Anonymous”, is also winning international acclaim and awards. He is a former storyliner on TV’s “Neighbours”, and has directed several number one country music videos. He is the breakfast host on radio station, My88FM, and his podcast, “You, Me, the 80s and the 90s” has tens of thousands of downloads. He has just released his debut novel, “Normal or Nothing Like It”. Wayne has been a drama coach for many years, teaching in both Sydney and Melbourne.

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