Spotlight on the Arts

Season 6 | Episode 7 | Spotlight on the Arts | The HSC Series | Drama Students Tiffany Morris | Clancy Catholic College West Hoxton and Ari Tjandra | Marcellin Catholic College, Randwick

CaSPA Season 6 Episode 7

Tiffany Morris of Clancy Catholic College, West Hoxton, is a dedicated and talented DRAMA student.  She has been studying drama for 4 years and is currently busy preparing for her upcoming HSC exams.

Ari Tjandra of  Marcellin Catholic College, Randwick is a dedicated and talented DRAMA student. He has been studying drama for 9 years and is currently busy preparing for his upcoming HSC exams. He has also been involved in a number of CaSPA programs over the years including the Drama Ensemble and Senior Theatreworks.

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