Full Proof Theology

70 - American Missionary Trade Surplus

November 14, 2022 Chase Davis
70 - American Missionary Trade Surplus
Full Proof Theology
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Full Proof Theology
70 - American Missionary Trade Surplus
Nov 14, 2022
Chase Davis

Many young Christians feel a call to ministry, some a call to be a missionary. In this episode, I discuss this popular unction and the culture of American evangelical Christianity that produces it. The missional movement is a self-identified movement within the 21st century. While missional church just claim to be biblical, this is a much used argument made by evangelical to justify their latest pragmatic strategies - such as missional. I question the biblical fidelity of the missional movement and highlight common pitfalls for church planters. 

This missional movement also creates a heightened desire for Christian to be missionaries. Many young Christians in the church feel pressure to enter ministry or go overseas. Why does this happen? How do we deal with the fallout of missionaries leaving ministry if not the faith all together? Oftentimes the call to ministry is pitched as the most sacrificial thing a Christian can do. In teaching this way, leader often create unbiblical and unrealistic expectations. We need to have a deeper understanding of going to the nations so that we can better understand our calling to our own nation here. 

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/chasedavis

“How Should Christians Speak in Public?” Tim Keller - https://mereorthodoxy.com/how-should-christians-speak-in-public/#post-133708-footnote-1

“Negative World Arrives in Australia” Simon Kennedy - https://mereorthodoxy.com/negative-world-australia/

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Sign up for the Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/chasedavis

Follow Full Proof Theology on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fullprooftheology/

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Show Notes

Many young Christians feel a call to ministry, some a call to be a missionary. In this episode, I discuss this popular unction and the culture of American evangelical Christianity that produces it. The missional movement is a self-identified movement within the 21st century. While missional church just claim to be biblical, this is a much used argument made by evangelical to justify their latest pragmatic strategies - such as missional. I question the biblical fidelity of the missional movement and highlight common pitfalls for church planters. 

This missional movement also creates a heightened desire for Christian to be missionaries. Many young Christians in the church feel pressure to enter ministry or go overseas. Why does this happen? How do we deal with the fallout of missionaries leaving ministry if not the faith all together? Oftentimes the call to ministry is pitched as the most sacrificial thing a Christian can do. In teaching this way, leader often create unbiblical and unrealistic expectations. We need to have a deeper understanding of going to the nations so that we can better understand our calling to our own nation here. 

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/chasedavis

“How Should Christians Speak in Public?” Tim Keller - https://mereorthodoxy.com/how-should-christians-speak-in-public/#post-133708-footnote-1

“Negative World Arrives in Australia” Simon Kennedy - https://mereorthodoxy.com/negative-world-australia/

Support the show

Sign up for the Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/chasedavis

Follow Full Proof Theology on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fullprooftheology/

Follow Full Proof Theology on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/fullprooftheology/