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Bouncing Back With Brion Nuda Rosch: project/program manager

Matthew Low Season 1 Episode 149

On Episode 149 of Bouncing Back, I interviewed Brion Nuda Rosch who was most recently a project/program manager at Play Studio. This is also my 107th episode in partnership with The Avail List.

Coming out of COVID19, Brion doesn’t like the phrase “getting back to normal,” because he believes that “normal” was never good enough. It’s exactly why he is focused on getting back to a “new better.”

Brion comes from an art background and considers himself an artist, designer, curator, director, producer, and collaborator.

In addition to his love for art, Brion’s specialty is using his strategic thinking to get different departments to work better, together.

He can wear multiple hats, loves getting his hands dirty on projects, misses in-person contact, and is a total people person.

Reach out to Brion if you’re looking for someone who can immediately make the work better.

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