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Bouncing Back With Julie Berman: Jr Copywriter

November 15, 2021 Matthew Low Season 1 Episode 128

On Episode 128 of Bouncing Back, I interviewed Julie Berman who was most recently a copywriting intern at BBH. This is also my 86th episode in partnership with The Avail List.

Julie was recently hired as a jr. copywriter at Doner, but since she’s so awesome I still wanted to share her story.

Ever since she can remember, Julie was always into writing. To her mom's surprise, she would always prefer writing in a notebook vs playing with toys.

Julie wants to create work that leaves an impact on the people watching it. She knows that in order to do so she needs to stay up to date on culture and come up with ideas that break through the clutter. Her curious attitude helps her explore directions that haven’t been done before, knows how to take constructive criticism, and works really well under pressure.

Her ambition to succeed has already helped her win multiple student awards. While you can’t hire her now you should definitely keep an eye out for her.

#BouncingBack #Covid19 #JobSearch #Advertising