No Reservations

That's a Problem!

Anna & Ryan Season 1 Episode 20

We've made it! To what, you ask? Well, to the end of 2020, to Ryan's 28th birthday, to over 1000 total downloads, AND to our TWENTIETH EPISODE!! *the crowd roars* First of all, thank you, to our dedicated listeners. If we could give you a buyback, we would! Instead, we're bringing you another episode, this time, featuring the incredible talent that is Ryan's dad, Greg (aka Papa Lind). He has experience working in food & beverage for over 3 decades, so enjoy our 1 hour seminar about how the business works from one of the best. We talk about restaurants coping during the pandemic, big ol' NYC rats, service industry scam artists, what it's like to **almost** be arrested, and much much more! We also had an entire conversation about garbage and did not ONCE say "tRasH PerSOn," so please, join me now in wishing a gigantic "Happy Birthday" to our Number One Goblin of the Garbage... Ryan T Lind. The T stands for Trash.