Nowhere, On Air

Voicemail #3

Season 1

A voicemail for Jess following her meeting after the last episode.

The voice of John Mulroy is Nathan Lunsford. Check out Nathan's show, The Storage Papers

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JOHN: Uh, hey Jess, it’s John again. You know, John Mulroy. I’m hoping this is your landline number and that I got the uh, [HE CLEARS HIS THROAT] decoding right in the landscaping ad in the newsletter. 

I know when I said I’d follow up after our little meeting you probably didn’t think it would be this soon after, and sorry again about having to cut it short, I’m still recovering, and Charlotte insists I get early nights… anyways, I just got home here and uh, she- Charlotte- was waiting for me out on the front porch and she noticed that- well, it looked like I had been followed home. 

By a car, with no license plates that either of us could make out. And it’s too dark out to see who’s driving it, they uh, they don’t have the lights on. It’s circled the block a few times now. 


I just thought I should let you know, seeing as you might have been followed as well. Not sure why or who, and I don’t even know that it followed me right from our meeting, but I just… had the feeling that I should call ya. There’s something about this that don’t sit right. Like you said earlier, something deeper.  A sinister air to all this. 

Anyways- [HE PAUSES AS CHARLOTTE SAYS SOMETHING TO HIM.] oh, right, yeah Charlotte’s just asking if you can call us back when you get this, so we know you made it home safe n’ sound? 

Alright, take care now.