Nowhere, On Air

Episode 22: You Were Here

Season 1 Episode 22

Tanner hosts in Jess' continued absence. Some updates, [REDACTED], and an unexpected goodbye.

The voice of Tanner is Charles Raymond. The voice of Martha is Daylin Chase. The voice of Officer Don Carlton is Carson Rafuse.

This episode's sponsor, "untitled track #4  (live)" was written by Jess Syratt and Isaac Gokarn. Guitar by Isaac Gokarn, Evan Row, and Ben Jansen. Vocals performed by Isaac Gokarn, Evan Row, Jess Syratt, Cait Syratt, Zac Kawa, and Dean Di Palma.

Sound effects this episode thanks to contributors: qudobup, dynamique, 14gpanskahonc-petr, kyster, lartti, harrisando, mrh4hn, shelbyshark, p-jezisek, taberius, martian, rdaly95, drfx, deanthedinosauce, and duphonic.

CW: This episode contains depictions of break-in/forced entry. 

Nowhere, On Air
is created, voiced and produced by Jess Syratt. Cover art by Moon Hermit Crab on Instagram.

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Seeing as it's 8pm, and you’re tuned in to our local frequency here-- well, the new one hidden in our newsletter, you’re probably wondering where Jess is. Or, at least, her voice. Her real voice. 

We are too. Seriously. I’ve been… instructed not to say a whole lot about it, but… well. If you or anyone you know has any relevant information… [HE SIGHS] at this point, you know the drill. 

I hope, for the meantime, my voice will suffice as a- a placeholder. We deeply hope Jess is returned-- [CATCHING HIMSELF] uh, sorry, returns to us soon. 

Speaking of voices, you probably, well hopefully, also noticed that the last broadcast aired wasn’t Jess. Well, it was Jess in the sense that that was her voice, but… we know it wasn’t her. Except for, uh, those parts. I’m sorry if any listeners found it distressing.

We here at the station promptly sent a carrier pigeon to Town Council asking, um, to put it bluntly, what the hell was going on. 

They told us it was a system they were introducing to prevent any… panic or concern among listeners. If listeners expected Jess’ voice, and she was, well, indisposed… they could deliver a broadcast that would, well, convince listeners that things were fine. 

So lie to everyone, basically. 


I’m sure we all remember what we can now, in hindsight, consider the test run for this system. A system that obviously tried to- to hijack our frequency. A system that stole the voice of our friend. A voice I’m sure you trust as much as we do. 

There are many words for how this made us here at the station feel, words I will not be sharing because I am not allowed to. I am sure many of you share that unworded sentiment. 


I’m gonna share with you something an old friend once told me a few years ago that stuck with me, and I think it applies:


Sometimes the trees you think you see in the distance aren’t trees at all, but the antlers of some terribly large and terribly ancient being. But don’t worry about that, it’s pretty shy. Probably more afraid of you than you are of it. 

Now, this friend of mine really was talking about what weren’t trees in the distance. But, I obviously mean it more in a metaphorical sense. Sometimes the things around us, even the ordinary seeming things, aren’t what we think they are. And sometimes, these things that seem bigger than us, that are bigger than us, are more scared of us. 

They blink first when we move against them. 

Anyways. Uh- lets stick to the script and move on. 

First up: 

Town Council doesn’t want you to worry about the apparent [CENSORED BEEP] They also don’t want you to worry if this is the first you’re hearing about it. They don’t want you to worry about anything. Ever. Apparently, this isn't the first time [CENSORED BEEP] has happened. This isn’t the first time anything has happened, probably. 

You know, history has been a long and winding road of happenings. The chance that something is a first is lower than you’d think. 


I’m being told that any relevant information in our last broadcast was censored. That’s… new, but not the most surprising development. I’m sure we’ll hear more of it moving forward. 

I’m sorry, listeners, but I have a feeling we’ll just get censored again- or worse- if I try and sum it up, so I’ll just leave you with this: what you don’t know probably won’t hurt you. 

Well, as I personally know what that broadcast was about, I can say with some authority that this time, it won’t.


And Town Council would like to remind you: if you see something, no you didn’t-- you were most definitely mistaken. And, as always, report what you didn’t see to the stone statue in town centre.

[QUIETLY] Well that sounds like a trap. 


And now, moving on to… weather! 

I’m gonna be honest, listeners, I’m still getting used to uh, filling in here and I, uh, forgot to meet with Weathermann Todd at the diner this afternoon… so, I thought, we could call him, and get him to share his weather related with us over the phones, so- if I can just remember his number… [CALLING, TURNED FROM THE MIC] Hey, Martha-- 

Oh. I’m getting a note- thank you Jordan- that Weathermann Todd Stevenson doesn’t want to come on air. Ever. There’s an agreement or something. I guess that makes sense. I always wondered why he didn’t do the weather segments… 

Well. Um, I’m sure there’ll be weather. We’ll be able to tell you about it next time. Sorry about that. 

[QUIETER] Uh, what do we have next here? 


Let’s take a look at the community bulletin. 

The only thing on the bulletin is the local Scouts’ summer food drive. It says here they’ll be coming around to your houses this week, knocking on your backdoors after hiding an old burlap flour sack on your property for you to fill with donations of non-perishable food, and then re-hide for them to find again next Saturday.

And yeah, that’s, uh, it for the community bulletin, but we do have some corrections, or, uh, community updates for you regarding some of the things brought up in the uh, last broadcast, specifically about the situation surrounding Farmer Daniels and Mayor- sorry- Simon VandenBrooke. 


[ANOTHER FRUSTRATED SIGH] Sorry about that folks. Not that we had anything to do with it or any say in the matter. But still. I’m sure its as frustrating for you as it is for us. 


A story I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to tell you tonight is a, one that surprised us, to say the least, when it was submitted earlier today. 

The Faceless, our mysterious yet generous, strangely present and knowledgeable friends… said their farewells today. 

In a rather abrupt public goodbye made in town square earlier this afternoon, the Leader- who I’ve personally come to know as Ted- thanked the community for their cooperation and hospitality. 

He also announced that, as a token of gratitude to the town, the group will be leaving behind one of their members to live and grow here, in our community, and that they would return for them after 100 years. 

A little ominous, in my opinion. Also, it sort of implies that they might actually be… immortal? Or, maybe they’re just gonna have future members come back and… dig up their bones next century? Hm. 

Anyways. Welcome to our community…*READS NAME* River! We’re happy to have you. We hope Braedon becomes a home for you like it is a home to so many of us. 

If you’d be interested in coming on air for an interview, shoot us an email or find us on social media. We would love to talk to you, maybe ask you some questions. It doesn’t even have to be on air. You can come on down to the station for some coffee and a chat. Let us know. 

Uh, back to the script-

This public goodbye also consisted of an ‘honourary member welcoming ceremony’--which no one was allowed to actually watch but reportedly went very well-- the new member in question being Braedon’s very own, 11 year old Violet Eagle scout troup leader and apparent Shark Whisperer Sophia Cardenas. This came as a surprise to a majority of us, but Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas said, when Jordan asked them for a comment, that Sophia had been offered a spot among the group a little while ago now for her innate giftings-- specifically her musical talents. 

A member of The Faceless then confirmed that while Sophia will officially be a member forever- their word, not ours- she will be staying here in Braedon, with her family and her community. She will grow and live and learn and love in the place she calls home, in the place that calls her beloved. And, after time has passed and she’s grown up, she can choose to stay, or to join the group in a more involved capacity. 

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas- we hope you are proud of your daughter. Her community is so proud and very excited for this next part of her journey. Well done, Sophia. While we’re not sure what the full implications of this new opportunity are, we’re sure you’ll do great, and have many great things ahead of you. 

And, to any members of a mysterious, departing society that may be listening, I have a little farewell statement here to read on behalf of us here at the station: 

If we were to address you directly, we would definitely say “thank you for the gift you tucked under the front door of the station” first, and then something like “thank you for all you did in your time here. We don’t understand everything that happened. We didn’t always understand what you were doing or why you were here, but you were here, with us, and you did things, things we appreciate. Deeply. We hope to see you again. You will always have a welcome place here, should you choose to return before a century has passed. We will miss you.” 

And, we would wish you nothing but clear skies, open roads, and a gentle song on every breeze. Goodbye. 


People have been contacting us during uh, the breaks to report a strange message is coming through underneath our air waves tonight. During the break, Martha and I listened to some of the earlier broadcast played back, and we heard it. 

Now, between the two of us, Martha and I speak a decent amount of languages. That’s not to say we speak all of them, because there is an incredible amount of languages out there, but we speak a fair few. This wasn’t one of them. I honestly don’t even think it's any kind of coherent speech at all. It's intermittent, occurring at random intervals as far as I could tell. There was a vocal quality to it, but it seems… weird. Off.

If any of you have any tech experience, and were available to offer some, uh, insight or support, we’d really appreciate it. 

Okay. We’re gonna go to uh, a word from our sponsor. And, today’s show is actually sponsored by The Faceless, who uh, were very generous, and sent this in to us along with their farewell announcement. 

If any of you are listening, thank you for your continued support. It will forever be remembered. And, again, you will be missed. 


Stormy days, stormy nights

One by one all the lights go out

And we’re left it the dark

Tell me where am I supposed to go

When all the roads that lead me home are closed? 

Take me back to the days when I was young

And knew my way through the dark 

Mountain high, valley low

But we know we’re never out here on our own

Against the shadows

In the deep, in the dark

In the beating of all our little hearts, we wait

Hand in hand

Tell me where am I supposed to go

When all the roads that lead me home are closed? 

Take me back to the days when I was young

And knew my way through the dark

And in the dark

We can see shining lights, lights

And each coming night

We wait for brighter skies

(Aaaah, aaaah) x2

Where can we go when all the roads

That lead us back home are closed? 

We can’t find our way, oh take us back to the days

When we were young and unafraid of

What was out there

There’s something out there

Tell me how am I supposed to go

When I have made these shining hearts my home? 

TANNER: That sounds… familiar. I kinda of feel, compelled to talk about it and offer some context because I’m sure there are a good deal of people listening who don’t necessarily recognize it but a while ago now, a few of us were having a uh, a bonfire and The Faceless showed up and, sang some songs for us. With us. I didn’t know anyone was recording. 

[TO HIMSELF] I wonder if that’s what’s on the disk they left. 

Well, folks, The Faceless will have made their departure by now. They wanted to be gone before the sun had set. Who can blame them? Travel on night-covered mountain roads is scary, and I’m sure- 


TANNER: What- Martha? Did you hear-


TANNER: Officer Carlton? 

CARLTON: Take what you need, we have to leave- now. 

TANNER: What? 


MARTHA: What’s going on? 

CARLTON: We have to- 


TANNER: Jordan just texted, she said…


TANNER: It's a picture. Trucks. They look… military. 

CARLTON: There’s one on its way here. We have to go… Back door. 

MARTHA: We can’t just go

CARLTON: Grab what you can and think that you need, quickly. 

MARTHA: On it. 


TANNER: What about Jordan? 

CARLTON: We’ll text and tell her where to meet us. 

MARTHA: What is going on? 

CARLTON: There’s no time- 


CARLTON: Get down, and out the backdoor- Go!