The High Performance Zone

Are WALLS, MIRRORS, & LIARS getting in the way of your own SELF-AWARENESS? 95% of people think they are self-aware but the real number is between 10-15%. Tune in to hear more from Dr. Tasha Eurich PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

John Foley Season 1 Episode 114

Tasha Eurich is an organizational psychologist and executive coach who specializes in developing self-awareness and helping business leaders and their teams thrive. Tasha is also the author of Insight: The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why The Answers Matter More Than We Think.

In this episode, you’ll hear from Tasha Eurich on;

  • (00:05:16) The scientific definition of self-awareness. According to Tasha, self-awareness is the will and the skill to know who you are on the inside, along with the ability to understand how others see you. She also points out that self-awareness is a skill that we can all learn.

  • (00:21:18) The role of loving critics. Tasha explains that the most self-aware people tend to have three to five carefully chosen ‘loving critics’ whom they approach for regular feedback. She adds that it’s essential to appoint people who have your best interests at heart and are ready, willing, and able to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard to hear.

  • (00:39:39) Getting started. Tasha recommends concentrating on one behaviour you want to change and holding 5-minute conversations once a month with 8-10 key stakeholders. In particular, she advises asking for feedback about how you have performed over the past thirty days and asking for suggestions about what you should do to improve in the next month. 

  • (00:55:54) The daily check-in. In order to improve self-awareness, Tasha invites us to ask ourselves these three questions at the end of each day; What went well today? What didn’t go so well, and how can I be smarter tomorrow?

  • (01:02:29) The secrets of business success. For Tasha, the three building blocks for a successful team are a leader who models the way, a work culture that expects its employees to tell the truth, and an ongoing commitment to the process of staying self-aware.