The High Performance Zone

Best of Episode: Join my guest Dr. Gillian "HAPPY" Mandich, a Happiness expert helping us all SEE THE WORLD THROUGH THE LENSE OF AWE!

John Foley

In today's Best of Episode, we feature Dr. Gillian Mandich. Dr. Gillian is a happiness researcher, public speaker, and the founder of The International Happiness Institute of Health Science Research. Gillian believes that happiness is a practice, not a destination, and, through her keynote speeches, workshops, and courses, she helps people become healthier and happier by encouraging them to adopt simple habits and practices that have been scientifically proven to increase happiness and produce a greater sense of fulfillment and well-being.

In this episode, you’ll hear from Gillian Mandich on:

(00:33:33) The meaning of happiness. Gillian defines happiness as the experience of joy, contentment, and positive well-being combined with the sense that your life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile. However, she points out that happiness means different things to different people and stresses the importance of developing an awareness of what makes you happy and making an effort to do more of what you love and less of what you hate.

(00:50:07) Overriding the brain’s natural negativity bias. She explains that practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to train your brain to focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negative. She also suggests keeping a gratitude journal and even a gratitude jar to heighten your appreciation of all the good things in your life.

(01:06:21) Creating small bursts of joy. According to Gillian’s research, the small moments of joy in our daily lives, rather than the big occasions such as birthdays, graduations, and vacations, bring us the most happiness. So, her tip for living a consistently happy life is to create small bursts of joy throughout the day by doing simple things, like calling a friend or going for a walk. 

(01:30:12) Taking control. She talks about the benefits of focusing your attention on the areas of your life over which you have control. Plus, she emphasizes the importance of accepting the fact that bad things happen and understanding that it’s impossible to be happy all the time.  

(01:51:10) Learning to see the world through the lens of awe. Gillian describes a recent experience of awe that made her change the way she saw the world. She suggests seeking solace and inspiration in beauty and nature by taking the time to look up at the stars or gaze at a beautiful sunset.