Feminine Business School

008 Let’s Talk About New Metrics of Launch Success - Part 1

Ainslie Young Season 1 Episode 8

Ever come off the back of a launch and you’ve just felt so lit up, expansive and rich after the experience even if you haven’t hit all your income goals? 

Or maybe as you pour over all the data and statistics of your post launch review that the numbers don’t paint the full picture? 

Or maybe your launch ends and  you’re just really disheartened as things ‘didn’t go to plan.’ If any of these scenarios ring true to you then today’s episode is going to be music to your ears! 

Here’s what we’ll be covering in this episode:

  • I share the exciting, new Feminine Metrics of Launch Success that will offer you a richer and more rewarding representation of all that you have achieved (We dive in deep into the first 3 metrics), 
  • I also share how I came to develop these metrics after a launch I completed during lock down earlier in 2020, and how I’ve benefited from continually using these metrics in subsequent launches,
  • I explain why you need to incorporate these feminine metrics into not only your review process but also into your launch planning and launch lifecycle (there are sooooo many benefits that will help you have a pleasurable and prosperous launch!),
  • And as usual I share specific examples of these metrics in play during my own launches as well as some client case studies so you can easily implement them into your future launches!

>> Want to learn the secret of fitting more pleasure into your day while effortlessly ticking off your to-do’s? Download my free Pleasure + Productivity Weekly Planner. Click here. 

>> Keen to join a supportive group of likeminded women who are committed to doing business differently? Join my Free Feminine Business Mastermind Facebook Group. Join here. 

>> Want to know how we can partner together? Take a look at my Feminine Business Mastermind and 1:1 Private Mentoring

>> Let’s connect! I’d love to hear from you :) Send me a DM on instagram.

Connect with me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ainslieyoung/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blogstartingwitha
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi4nhjn_5hdQb4RM7jQFILg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ainslieyoung/
Website: https://startingwitha.com/