Feminine Business School

Dealing With Disappointment in Business

Ainslie Young Season 1 Episode 11

Business is such a rollercoaster and disappointment pops up time and time again. For every monumental high there is always a monumental low and sometimes it can feel like there are more lows than highs. Maybe you’ve had a launch that didn’t meet your expectations (if that’s the case go back and listen to episodes 8 and 9) or maybe a client decided to sign up with someone else or maybe your new branding you were so excited to see didn’t meet your expectations. 

There are so many ways our business can serve up disappointments. But the thing I have come to realise in myself and working with clients is how you deal with disappointment is key to your growth, your magnetism and your momentum in business.

In today's episode we will cover:

+ Why you should NOT push through disappointment and what you should do instead,

+ The exact 4 step process that I personally undertake and share with clients to move out of disappointment and back into flow,

+ Practical and easy to apply strategies that will allow you to free any disappointment from your body ASAP,

+ How to find the potent medicine in your disappointment (trust me, there's always a key lesson to takeaway from this situation)

+ I share a few personal examples of recent disappointments and the sweet medicine and very potent lessons I needed to integrate and embody.


>> Listen to Episode 8 and Episode 9 where I share the NEW METRICS OF LAUNCH SUCCESS.

>> Keen to Activate the Magnetic Marketer Within and Unlock the Magnetic Marketing Code for your business?
Access my FREE Marketing Masterclass here.

>> Want to learn more about the Feminine Business Mastermind? Take a look at my Feminine Business Mastermind 

>> Keen to join a supportive group of likeminded women who are committed to doing business differently? Join my Free Feminine Business Mastermind Facebook Group. Join here. 

>> Let’s connect! I’d love to hear from you :) Send me a DM on instagram.

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