Feminine Business School

A Transparent + Powerful Conversation About 10X’ing Your Business with Anna Rova

Ainslie Young Season 2 Episode 21

In this episode of the Feminine Business School I interviewed my peer and fellow Feminine Embodiment coach Anna Rova on balancing the masculine and feminine when exponentially growing your coaching business.

Here’s some more detail of exactly what we covered in this episode:

  • We hear more about Anna’s somewhat unconventional and interesting path into coaching and the significant benefits of this on her business,  
  • How Anna has remained so consistent with her podcast and recorded close to 200 episodes in just 3 years while starting a family (and now being pregnant with her second child), 
  • The number one skill Anna believes coaches need to master to exponentially grow their businesses,
  • Anna shares some of her practices and priorities that have helped her balance her ambition and drive while she rapidly 10x’es her coaching business...and while she tries to avoid burnout. (She’s super honest which you’ll appreciate it!)





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