Feminine Business School

Are you missing this important step?

July 05, 2021 Season 2 Episode 23

Welcome to another episode of the Feminine Business School podcast. 

If you’re feeling frustrated because you’re “doing the work” yet not seeing the results you desire in your business - then listen in. 

There’s a critical first step that soooo many women in business miss….and I’m going to share this missing puzzle piece to your pleasure and success in business.

This episode was inspired by a peer coaching session I had with a friend and fellow Feminine Embodiment coach….and I wanted to give you an insight into our business challenges and how we used our coaching skills to create MAJOR shifts for each other!


In this episode of the Feminine Business School podcast you’ll learn: 

• The 2 biggest mistakes I see clients and business women make when strategising and taking action in their businesses, 

• Exactly how these common mistakes impact their businesses and their bodies,

• How Feminine Embodiment can be powerfully woven into your business strategy so you take aligned action 100% of the time + achieve the success you desire,

• Specific business examples taken from peer and client coaching sessions that will showcase the power of Feminine Embodiment in your business (even if you’re really familiar with the feminine embodiment modality...we can always go deeper!).


Ok, let’s crack on!




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