Artemis Speaks

Dr. Molly O'Dell, Doctor and Poet

February 12, 2021 Jeri Rogers

Dr. Molly O'Dell, Doctor and poet

After an incredible career practicing medicine and public health, Molly decided to retire from full time work in 2016. The change was wonderful and she quickly adjusted to what it means not to hurry. When SARS CoV-2 introduced itself to our planet, Dr. O'Dell re-joined the Virginia Department of Health work force to lead the COVID response in southwest Virginia.

Her poems that have been published in national and regional journals, including;

Family Medicine
Whitefish Review
Artemis Journal

Upon retirement her immediate ambition was to work less hours. "I love to help children and teenagers find their voice and adults re-claim their core values, through writing."

Molly's latest book
Care is a four Letter Verb
will be released in early March

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