Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr

017 - Our Authority in Christ

Debora Barr with guest Pastor Ramona Moore Episode 17

#017 – As children of God we have the authority that Jesus gives us to tear down strongholds! We sometimes let Satan get a foothold in our lives by the things we do, thereby giving him access to build a stronghold.  Listen in as Debora interviews Pastor Ramona Moore to learn about strongholds and what we need to do to pull them down so we can live a victorious life.  

Stay tuned for our next episode where we will explore – How to remove hindrances to effective prayer.


Welcome to transformed by the word, a podcast about discovering how to live your life with gratifying purpose. God created you for a reason and the Bible contains the keys to unlock your transformed life. Now, here's your host, Debora Barr

Debora 0:27  

Thanks for joining me for Episode 17 of Transformed By The Word. 

Today, we will be exploring our authority in Christ. 

Now in previous episodes of this podcast, we have explored different aspects of spiritual warfare, and learned about putting on the armor of Christ. We also learned about praise as a weapon to use in our arsenal of battle equipment against the enemy of our soul. Our focus in this episode is understanding our authority in Christ, that which he has given to those of us who have placed our trust and faith in the Lord Jesus. 

We already have the power and authority of Jesus's name, to cast out demons and walk in complete victory over the attacks of the enemy. We are no longer slaves to sin. And we have God's power within us to face any challenge that the enemy might throw our way. The Bible in the book of 1st John chapter four, verse four, says, He who is in you, is greater than he who is in this world. But sometimes it's easy to forget - to forget that Jesus has already defeated Satan. He did this at the cross, when he died, was buried and rose from the dead, conquering death and defeat and giving us the victory. It's sometimes easy to forget, when we allow sin to reign and rule in our hearts, resulting in building strongholds that keep us in bondage to sin. 

Today, I've invited a very special guest to talk about demolishing the strongholds of sin in our lives. Her name is Pastor Ramona Moore, and she's a dear friend and been a mentor to me for many years. Pastor Moore is a native of West Virginia, and currently serves as an associate pastor at the temple of praise in Washington DC. Having a divine call from God to preach to the nation's. She's traveled the United States and abroad extensively, conducting revivals, workshops, seminars and crusades, proclaiming God's word and healing his people with a revelation that is exuberant, anointed and life changing. drawing from her own personal experience in battles, her ministry also empowers women to speak openly and honestly about issues such as divorce, abuse, abandonment, and self-esteem. And she equips them with the tools to overcome fear and walk in the power that God has ordained for their lives. Pastor Moore's love and exuberance for God can be felt once you are in her presence. Her credo can be found in Romans, chapter eight, verse 37, which says, nay in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Stay tuned. 

We'll be back in just a moment. 

Pastor Moore, thank you so much for coming on the show today to share with our listening audience. It's always a delight to be with you

Ramona Moore 5:00  

Well, Debora I want to say thank you for inviting me. And to all the listeners, we pray that God will give you an answer, bring understanding to everything that's being said, it is a pleasure. But it is also very humbling. Because the topic is one in which we all I don't care how saved you are, how long you've been saved. How are you thinking, oh god that we struggle with. So the Lord bless you, and I just say thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

Debora 5:28  

Thank you so much. Today, we're focusing on our authority in Christ, and on demolishing the strongholds of sin that keep people in bondage holding them back from living the abundant life that Jesus came to empower them to live. So I want to have you share with the audience, what are some of the types of strongholds that people experience in their lives? And what causes them? And how do you recognize these?

Ramona Moore 5:56  

Wow strongholds - strongholds. Let's figure out what strongholds are, number one, a very familiar scripture that we can go to is out of Second Corinthians 10, four and five. And it says, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity, everything, or every thought, to the obedience to the Messiah. 

And when we listen to this, these are fighting words, to understand what it is they speak in this particular scripture of weapon, strongholds hide things, what is it, what got ahold of us, which changed us, and many of us are walking around this, I was dealing and talking with the Lord. 

And he was saying, Well, some of us are wearing masks. We don't want anyone to know, the battle that we're fighting in front of our peers in you can be a minister, Deacon, or just a regular lay member, who has known the Lord for a long time, or you just got in contact and just got yourself attached to him. You're dealing with something in your life. 

I think one thing that the enemy fights to church with is that you're saved, and that you are still dealing with something in your life. And we got to understand that our flesh is not safe, per se. Somebody would go that's a tough subject, Pastor, but no, you got to understand we still feel in our bodies. And there are some things that happen to us that will revert us back to our past, if we're not careful. When we enter into unknown places, unknown places best more, yes, maybe attaching yourself to someone that isn't a spiritual or isn't where you are, and you're not quite strong enough to pull them into you and you're not careful, you'll find yourself being pulled back into that or into them. 

And so when we look at is we look at a stronghold as a defensive structure. When you look at it in the Word of God, it means the refuge for the oppressed. It's a stronghold and a type in times of trouble. However, for the believer, a stronghold when the enemy or Satan sends out against us, it means the same thing he's trying to captivate, he's really trying to capture us capture our mind and our thinking are doing a wall. And so many times, strongholds will slip up on you, before you know it. You have allowed yourself to get into places. 

And when we look into the Word of God, I find sometimes that we try, like I said before, try to mask where we are at. It's just like today we're wearing the mask, right? Because we don't want anything to come in. But we're wearing masks to hide what it is we're into. We go to church, some of us and our praise is better than anybody else's. And we want our knowledge to be greater than anyone elses. Because what they don't know is maybe just a few hours before you had a conversation with Satan. When you look into the Word of God, Paul talks about it so wonderfully when he talks about how he was in this room, and he began to pray to God and he says three times I've said to you God, and you didn't hear me, but God says back to him, but my grace is sufficient. What are you talking about God? And it talks about the messenger of Satan. And this is where we have to talk about ways that things can happen to us through our eyegate old saints used to call eyegate what you're listening. What are you listening to? Back in the day, you might have been to listen to r&b but r& B isn't good right now because it's going to bring a feeling - sexual. 

Let's go there sexual feelings, it's going to bring feelings, it's going to bring things that you remember. And if you're not careful, you'll get caught up. And you open that up. And next thing you know, you're coming home. Oh, let me throw on a little bit of Luther. And I'm talking real plain to people. I'm not trying to be deep. I'm trying to be earthly and personable. Yet I'm saying to let you know these are ways and gates and gates, what are you reading? 

What are you looking at on TV? That a pastor friend of mine says, I can't watch too much romance, whatever it goes it, it does something to me. And she says, so I don't watch it. Everybody does not have that strength. And because you like that. There's Dick and Jane, and they're coming together and you're going, Oh, God, and you're going down memory lane. 

And before you know it, you're entertaining a thought that will creep into your flesh. Also, gossip. Oh, wow. These are things that will open up portals. I think you talk about that later on. And you're trying to figure out, how is it that I got back into this? Some of it though, even goes to the occult. You want to read that astrology everyday? Or what is my horoscopes say? 

What is God saying? The first thing I've learned to do in the morning is find my daily scripture. God, what are you saying to me today? A horoscope is not my end, it is not my beginning. But it is the word of God and what God has set before us because the writer says this, the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. But it does not mean that you won't hit a rock, it does not mean that you're not going to stumble. But if you are in the Word of God, and the Word of God says this, and I want to him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us what heartless and so those are strongholds. Those are portals eyes, you know, what you're smelling. One of the most curious movies was the Scent of a Woman. And it talked about this man. And he just loved the smell of good woman. And you have to be careful because the enemy is cunning. And he understands or knows more about you than what you think.

Debora 12:25  

Yeah, you said so much. Talking about these, these spiritual doors that we actually open in our lives if we're not careful, the Bible tells us in Ephesians, that we can open these doors and give Satan a foothold in our lives. I imagine this as I'm thinking about it, that we have cracked open the door through the some of the things that you just mentioned. And Satan just sticks his foot in there so that the door cannot be shut. That's true. So what happens in a person's life once they've done this?

Ramona Moore 12:56  

It is amazing. A lot of times if we're not that spiritually adept, and not understanding the language of rebuking certain things, we get caught up, even state there is a story in the Old Testament of a priest by the name of Joshua. And it tells the story that he is standing there in priestly garments, but they are dirty. And Satan is railing against him because he doesn't look you standing, but his garments are dirty. Then let's go back then to Isaiah six and one. Isaiah saying in the year the king has died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up his train field temple, God allowed him to seal this. But then what did I say? I say Isaiah said it because God didn't makes a clarion call. Who can go Who can I send? He said, Oh, I'm a man of unclean lips. Why was he - he said because I was among of people that have only clean lips. Elder Barr. 

We have to watch the company we keep. We do. And we think that we are strong enough sometimes we're not strong enough. The company we keep. We have to watch satanic things. I've never seen so much of it on TV and I don't want to spook or try to be whatever. It doesn't bother me. I I like to watch it. And I'm gonna tell you why. Because I like to see just where these writers minds are and where they are. Now if you haven't been taught how to handle it, I would say stay away from it. 

If you remember back in the day, I don't know if you had one. Everybody was playing with what you call a weegee board. They did not understand the reality of it that it was a type of entertainment that did Oh Been up passageways to say satanic imps, whatever to come. And we've gone Oh God, and the people's hands and many people were trying to figure out what's going on in my house, you've opened up something. 

And it could be a spirit that followed somebody who wasn't in the right place. I don't let everybody in my house. Now, I'm not trying to spook everybody out here. Deb, I'm not. But I want you to be aware. Because there are things in the airways. There are spirits that rule over demons said rule over cities and territories. Go to Daniel. Daniel is in the den. He's praying to God. But he had to wait 21 days because Michael had to fight the war that was in the airways, the Prince of Persia. So these are realities that we need to deal with. I'm sorry, I get carried away.

Debora 15:55  

That's okay. You're teaching. 

Talk a little bit about generational curses. People know that things go down through the lines of their families like alcoholism, and other things like that. Even, you know, having sex outside of marriage and all those kinds of things. Can you talk a little bit about those generational curses and even how you would break that if you are in one of those lines of a generational curse.

Ramona Moore 16:20  

Um, the thing about it is generational curses is something that is believe it or not very prominent. It's very prominent, believe it or not, even in the church, my mother, as I was a little girl, and I will refer to her because she was my spiritual teacher would not allow us to go to a lot of houses, or visit friends. Because she would tell us there are things that may happen, and I do not want you caught up in that. And then further along, as I got older, she would say, well, there was a trail of incest that went through that family. 

There were stories that went through that family of where children were molested by uncles, they were molested, maybe even by brothers. Let me tell you a shocking thing that is going on even ever present. Now, in the Mormon nation, I put it that way church, outside of some of those that have separated themselves, because you know, they've broken up many of them, they've gone out and started their own individual churches and sex. 

There is now being reported a great deal of incest of where brothers are raping their sisters and the sisters are trying to run away. This is in a renowned church, this is in a renowned order. And they are not being prosecuted neither persecuted as they should be. It is causing a breakdown in young women because they do not understand and recognize their worth. When you do not understand your worth, then you go out here. 

And sex is a common thing because well, in a little girl or in a young teenage girl physically, let's be real. It feels good. Okay, and so the perpetrator made it seem to them that feel good was okay when feel good was not okay. And so they felt that they were loved because the perpetrator made them once again, what is this? A lie of Satan, to break down what the structure of family, the structure of how a family should be? These things are going on. 

And so down through the generations, you will hear stories, I lectured. Well not lectured, mentored and talk to a lot of women. One woman in particular, called me. We called her nieces and she said, I think they're going through what her mother went through. The woman was something he meant about what she was saying and so just strong about everything that she was speaking of Finally, it hit me. I'm at two o'clock in the morning now talking to her. I said May I ask a question? She said yes. I said, Where are you violated? She started screaming. She said yes, yes, yes. But what it did was allowed her to release the pent up hurt and pain, dejection and rejection that she was really And so through her talking about them in broader release. But what now about the daughters and the girls, I said you need to talk to your sister and let them understand and make her understand. This wasn't a good thing that happened with us. It is not a good thing that you allow it to happen to your daughter's but it is a seed that is sung and it is a sad seed. 

Deb, it's destroying people. It's hatred that is bred in families. They leave, I'm not going back there anymore. Mothers will not for the sake of losing a man. hear what I'm saying? Make that man leaves the daughter alone. 

Debora 20:22  

How does a victim of this stop, you know, and make a determination in their heart that this stops with me and this will not go to the next generation? What should they do?

Ramona Moore 20:33  

The thing about it is, is that you've got to understand, can I talk from an old country, I grew up in old country idioms. And you know, the thing about it is, is they will tell you don't tell anybody. At a young age, you are now indoctrinated with, don't tell anybody. You got to understand that when a lot of these things happen, it happens at a young age. And some of them may not be brutal with the child. They may be gentle, but yet at the same time penetrating them. And we're talking frank, and what happens is, don't tell anybody you know, I love you. Some may give them some ice cream. But then if they go to tell mommy, mommy doesn't want to believe it. Or she may say to them, don't you say nothing, but not say nothing. If you say something, I will beat you up, we'll review data, data data. Now, what happened to weigh me the older one that got pregnant, what they did, back in those days, they would send the daughter off. And another part of Virginia, North Carolina, whoever somewhere our child would have the baby. And it would be raised as somebody down to their child, and adorable would come home.

Debora 21:57  

So it sounds like bringing this into the light and and exposing the lie of the enemy is the key to stopping this generational curse.

Ramona Moore 22:06  

Yes. And it's just a strong now if not stronger as it was, you know. Because what we have, we have lonely people in the world. And right now, with the pandemic, there's not, there's more of a loneliness than ever before. Okay, we're all getting a little lonely because we're used to hanging with certain people were like the universe, or we need whatever. And so it's bringing this loneliness and separatism to, we're not able to go to church, some want to go, some don't want to go online, I want to go to the physical church, and I want to see the physical people, and they're not strong enough to embed themselves in the Word of God, and release themselves through the Word of God.

Debora 22:58  

How can a person recognize either in their own lives or someone else's life? The difference between, say, demonic activity that's a result of these opening of a door, more actual medical or psychological condition? I mean, how would a person know the difference?

Ramona Moore 23:19  

If you were dealing with someone spiritually, and when I say spiritually, one that's been saved and understand the ramifications of demonic activity and being saved, you'll understand that a lot of times in the Bible, the demon knew the word in the beginning, let's go back to, to the what what was it that brought sin into the world, it was Satan's mis interpretation, but he willfully did it to get Eve out of replace. 

Now, the whole thing was really to stop the birth of mankind, whatever. And what he thought might happen did not happen. Because God still made a way of escape, and the family was worth. But it's the mistake because he knows the word. And so he begins to spin, how he wants to say it. Well, he didn't say that, you know, I said it this way. Oh, let me talk to Adam. Adam, you know, we can do this. And so, once again, there's that fear. And sometimes we hear what we want to hear, huh? Now, that's a strong statement, but it's true. Okay. 

So when you look at a person, let's just let's put it this way, people with schizophrenia. A lot of people want to say that schizophrenia is, is demonic, believe it or not. schizophrenia is really something that is an imbalance in the brain. How can you tell that different from somebody That has demonic activity, by the way they add schizophrenics are skittish, they talk a lot, or they'll get on it. You know, Jim came to me, don't you see them whatever. And somebody would say, Well, that sounds demonic. No, it's it's in an imbalance in their mind, and they can't differentiate a demonic or demonic. 

Let's go to the young lady that began to see the disciples and she said, Oh, I know who you are. You're those Jesus boys. And that's why I'm saying this for everybody to understand your them. And so the disciples had to rebuke her, because she was working under demonic activity. Demons know a lot of God's work, what happened when they went into the pigs, they didn't go back and talk to the disciples. So much, they said, We implore you. Let us go into the pigs because we don't want to go to the hell, oh, wait a minute, they understand how they understand how they understand God, they wish they had not listened to Satan, when he was preaching all that mess up in heaven to them. And they followed him. Okay, once again, their ears were open. So let you know, as spiritual as they were, they had ears, eyes, nose, whatever. And they had the ability to choose who would ever think angels had choice? They did. They had choice. And so they listen. 

But when you and another thing about people with psychological conditions, a lot of times too, if they take that pill, or that medicine, which is mood altering, it will help them. Whereas with demonics, they don't really want to be around prayer. You notice somebody kind of squirming, being around church or talking about God brings an uneasiness. They're not crazy. It's a demonic thing. And it may have come through somebody who worked in the occult, because everybody, 

Ramona Moore 27:11  

I got a book the other day. The book disturbed me, a friend of mine, also sent me a book regarding the anointed oil. And did you know, Ramona, that this anointed oil has a component in it that they later on, you know, this is the new lattice going through some of the church? That sweet calamus was really a type of marijuana. Oh, wait a minute. So in the new anointed oil, we've got MCT oil, which supposedly comes from the coconut. And then we got the CB, what is it? cB, cb, whatever ABC it is. And you know, and they have taken it, and it makes me feel better, because it's still substance, enough in it to calm you and take you to Lala land - saints are taking it. I just went to the store and got these. Nah, no, don't Don't give me that mess. So I said, You dare and dare to even tell me that if I didn't know, everything in my house. I said, Would that be denying the power of God? I don't need your anointed all if I don't have oil, I can call on you. Yes. And still be saying?

Debora 28:24  

Yes, yes. So we read in scriptures in Mark and Luke and it even in Matthew, that Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs, and he instructed them to heal the sick to cleanse the lepers to raise the dead and cast out demons. Hmm. And he said, most assuredly, I say to you, He who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also, and greater works than these will do because I go to my father, and whatever you ask in my name, that I will do, and the father, that the flat Father may be glorified in the Son Hmm. So how, how can a person pray for either themselves or a loved one who is experiencing demonic activity or sin strongholds that they, they just cannot seem to break free from how should they pray for them?

Ramona Moore 29:17  

I'm glad you asked that question. Because as I was studying, I came across some things and I began to write them down. And there's there's always so many things, one scripture that many believers are those of us that are in ministry, are familiar with is out of Ephesians and out of Ephesians, gosh is so much there. You can see down again and again. And I'm gosh I just noticed on top of the notes, I just started writing and reading, but Ephesians six is a good place to go. on the whole armor of God, okay. 

And we have to put on that whole armor of God. And so Paul instructs the believers, he says, to stand against the evil forces in this world that's working against us. In other words, this is what Ephesians 6:10 through 20 deals with. And he talks about how we have to resist the devil. And he begins to tell us in Ephesians, six to be strong in the Lord. Because there's going to come challenges, okay. And then he says in Ephesians, six and 11, and I'm going through, and let's, for those that are listening, I'm going to give you some scriptures be strong in the Lord, Ephesians six and 10, they can go to Deuteronomy 31 and 23. And Joshua one and six, because it was a same type of a charge that God gave to the Israelites as they were trying to go into the promised land. 

To these that are dealing with strongholds, let me tell you, there's a promise, and there's the place that God wants you to be in. But you're going to have to be strong. 6:11 says, Put on the full armor of God. And so when I found a look at this, it means that it's a, you've got to put on everything, you just can't carry a spear and not have on your breastplate. And I'm rushing through this. 

And so the imagery of putting on the whole armor of God, they can go to the Scriptures, Isaiah 11 verses four to five, Isaiah 52, and seven, and Isaiah 59 and 17. And he says, with this, that it enables us to stand, oh, gosh, and what it does, it gives us a certain posture. Armor is heavy, okay. And when it's heavy, it gives you that core with all that when the enemy comes out against you, oh, law, hallelujah, then God is going to stand strong in you. Yes. So you've got to understand. 

Let's look at another scripture. We've got to understand the strategies also of Satan. This also falls under six, six and 11. The devil wants to disrupt the church. He wants to bring false teaching. We're listening to a lot of that. Now. I don't want to mention, but I will, the political thing that's going on in the world because of words that was speaking out, okay. And so when you look at Paul, Paul talks about these things, and Ephesians, four and 14, four and 23, and four and 31. And also in Ephesians, five and six. 

Paul used a Greek word of what the devil was doing in the scriptures when he began to admonish us to put on the whole armor. And it comes from a Greek word methadia, which suggests that the devil is cunning, and uses deception, to advance his purposes is just like in war. 

When you watch the old war movies, and I love them, they hold up a spear and the leader will stick up the sword and point toward In other words, advance. And when the enemy sees how well you're doing, his thing is to try to get something that will distract you so that he can catch you unawares. And let's have a description for that right there. I'm sorry, it's second Corinthians 11. And three, are you to understand what I'm saying? If we're using six and 12, the forces of wickedness we look at and he says, he begins to tell us there to be aware of the forces of wickedness to resist them. And we will get the victory. 

The Scriptures for this is Ephesians 11:9, through 21, Ephesians, three and 10 and Colossians, two and 15. I want to give them something with depth to go to and refer to since we don't have all the time. Okay. And then he says girding yourself, oh my gosh, we have to gird ourselves - girding it's a belt. Okay, it goes around with the straps. And the thing about it was when the soldier got ready to put on the armor, there was a belt that was placed around the soldiers around their waist. 

And I thought about it as I was writing and listening to God. He said, Ramona when you bend over, I said, Oh, God, I hear you. He said, you lose your balance. Sometimes. He said, but if you're girded, it will help you to stand. And so the belt around the soldiers Well, listen at this, I found out it held the breastplate in place the breastplate in place, and it provided an attachment for your sword. Oh, wait a minute. 

Remember when we were kids and we had the holsters? Yeah, that would get the capgun down in there. All right, it was the provision that we could put our weapon in. So the belt had multiple uses. It held up your breastplate, so your heart couldn't be stuck. It held your spear in order that with one hand, you could pull the spear out and jab. 

And so what God is saying, I've given you everything complete on you if you put on this whole armor that you will need in order to fight and withstand the wiles of the devil. Some writers I found that call it the belt of truth. Because he says when we fight, we have to be girded with the truth, the truth. 

I'm in spiritual warfare and in all of this Deb, the one thing that we as believers have to do, we have to admit our wrongs and our sin. That's the greatest truth that we can say to God. And that is one reason that David was so gifted by God and blessed by God because David was quick to repent.

Debora 36:32  


Ramona Moore 36:33  

Can I tell the believers be quick to repent? You messed up. Okay, so it's called the breastplate of righteousness. Lord, I got so much the shield of faith, oh, gosh, you cannot fight the devil unless you believe that God is going to deliver you. 

I think the thing that right now that's hampering a lot of people is God, you're not coming quick enough. And and we got to wait on it. And we don't want to wait on it. And the waiting really is building up your perseverance. Okay. And so you look at the shield of faith, primarily. It's a defense in battle that shield that shield up there, they go to hit, they'll bounce back, if you hit a shield long, hard enough, it bounces you back. 

And so what it is you looked at David, David did not go for the shield, because the shield would have killed him. But he took a sling and aim for the head. And it killed Goliath. We got the sort of spirit and helps to believers. And then we got where he said to pray at all times. 

Prayer is an important thing. Word of God says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Do I have time to read some things? 


Okay. Types of spiritual strongholds. Let's go into 12 things that the writers can write down real quickly. That will help you pull down strongholds. 

1)      prayer, communication with God. 

2)      meditation and what this is doing, it is walking and hearing God's will for your life 

3)      fasting, a reminder of where your source is coming from. It isn't in the food is in the fasting, 

4)      study. And in other words, study the Word get it in you so that when the enemy comes out against you, you can speak out a word against him. 

5)      simplicity. We're seeking everything - the pride of life, the lust of the flesh, but we need to seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness. 

6)      submission, placeing God's Will above your own. 

7)      solitude you've got to pull yourself away and get in a quiet place. Okay, withdrawing from the world and spending time with God. That ought to be the first few minutes that you get out of bed. 

8)      service supportive action toward others doing what you're supposed to do in church. 

9)      confession, acknowledging your sin immediately. 

10)   guidance, receiving guidance, you don't know it all. None of us do. We're still learning and we'll go to heaven learning. 

11)   celebrating. I lift my hands in a sanctuary. That is one of the greatest things that you can do is still find a prayer somewhere on the inside of you to let God God I just bless your name. I just thank you. It doesn't take a whole lot. Hear me people. It doesn't take a whole lot of time. God just wants to know that you appreciate him and that you are going to honor him 

12)   worship. Somebody said, Well, you said pray, worship, worship, giving God all the glory, through all of your attitudes, that were everything that you're going to use to get the glory if it had not been for you, and that's what the writer in Psalm said, if it had not been for the Lord, that was on our side, where would we be? 

These 12 things are steps that will take you to being free from under spiritual strongholds. If you look at stuff that I've written and pulled out, whatever. I probably have a little mini book. Everyone, I pray that you were blessed, and it will take you to the end of a strong hole and start a newness in your life for this new year.

Debora 40:49  

Wow, those are powerful, powerful points to incorporate in our lives to help us overcome these strongholds. Before I let you go, would you please pray for those who are listening today? Who might be personally experiencing discouragement frustration about their own inability to break free from strongholds in their lives?

Ramona Moore 41:10  

Yes. One of the greatest prayers that we can pray is the Lord's Prayer, and Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. He made me to lie down in green pastures and he restores my soul. When you follow this, this wonderful prayer, you will see that God makes provision for every place that you're in. Father in the name of Jesus, we come before you as humble as we know how. And Father we list. Oh, God, lift you up, we lift you up. Oh God, we lift you up. We give you a name, praise, honor and glory that you will bless these listeners. 

God let every word that has been spoken down in their hearts, that everything that has been said or God be anointed, that they will seek you even more. And Father, this is the year of unshaking This is year oh God were proclaiming, of remaking and redoing and renewing. And God I speak upon these people wherever they are right now, that as we go through that you will allow them to lose themselves through prayer, supplication reading, whatever it takes God with them to draw nigh to do all God to you. But I feel like flying right now. 

But as we pray this prayer as speak peace upon them, I speak Oh God, great success. I speak healing that it goes forth and touch bodies and lips them up. As speak the doors be open oak, art and families be saved and come together like never before. And Father bless the progenitor of this series on God, Dr. Barr right now, everything that she puts her hands to do God bring multiplicity, bring in soul. Father, we thank you for doing it. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Debora 43:11  


Don't go away. We'll be right back after this short break.

Debora 43:53  

We just heard from Pastor Ramona more about how to identify strongholds. What we might be doing to give Satan a foothold in our lives, and many ways that we can combat these strongholds and move closer to God. 

It is through our relationship with Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that lives within us. That we can combat the lies and deceptions of Satan, who is the enemy of our soul. 

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, meaning you've never surrendered your life to Him, you can do that right now. For it is by faith, that we believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. And if you're ready to place your trust in Jesus, and receive the forgiveness of your sins, you can pray this prayer with me right now. 

God, I confess that I'm a sinner and I need Jesus in my life. 

Right now I repent of my sins and I turned towards you. 

I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. He was buried and he rose from the dead. 

And by faith, I accept this and invite Jesus to be Lord of my life, to reign and rule in my heart. 

Thank you, God for forgiving me, and for saving me. Amen. 

Now, if you are already a Christian, you accepted Jesus at some point in the past, but you have allowed Satan have foothold in your life. By doing things or bringing things into your life that are ungodly, you can repent and get right with Jesus. 1st John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

So if you have allowed Satan a foothold in your life, make a confession to Jesus and allow him to wipe your slate clean. 

Now, if you just accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or you repented, and re committed your life to the Lord, I would love to hear from you. 

Please visit my website at TBTW And let me know about your decision for Christ so that I can help you with your next steps in your faith. 

My prayer for you today is that you will know that nothing can harm you or separate you from the love of God. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, for your sake, we are killed all day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Yet in all of these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities or powers, nor things present, or things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. That prayer comes from Romans chapter eight, verses 35 to 39. 

Stay tuned for our next episode of transformed by the word, where we will discuss how to remove hindrances to effective prayer.

Announcer 48:09  

Thank you for listening to transformed by the word with your host Debora Barr, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Google Play and connect with us at Until next time, be blessed.

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